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Wing feathers damaged


Sitting on the front steps
Hi, my 4 month old CAG has feather damage on his wings. I believe from his cage, however I’m not entirely sure what it’s from or how or to help it. He has seen the vet and the vet didn’t have any advice and wasn’t concerned about it. Any one else have advice? He is not clipped and loves to fly. It’s only his outer most wing feathers on both sides.
(Hopefully I posted this in the right thread? I’m a newbie)

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Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
Young birds are pretty rough on their feathers. I wouldn't be concerned. He'll molt those out in a few more months and likely have a better idea of how to keep them in one piece by then.

Mark & Da Boyz

Rollerblading along the road
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Tampa, Fl
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I wouldn't worry about it as was said young kids are hard on the "Clothes" and young birds are hard on the feathers. My teil, Nibble, looked like a duck on and off for a year from tearing up his tail feather.

PLUS he grow new ones and a bit anyway. My little rehomed GCC feathers where in bad shape when he came on and after 5+ months he looks almost as good as new.

Oh how big is his cage? If it's too small that could be a problem or if over stuffed with toys, I' the worse as that, BUT I don't really think you have to worry.


Sitting on the front steps
I wouldn't worry about it as was said young kids are hard on the "Clothes" and young birds are hard on the feathers. My teil, Nibble, looked like a duck on and off for a year from tearing up his tail feather.

PLUS he grow new ones and a bit anyway. My little rehomed GCC feathers where in bad shape when he came on and after 5+ months he looks almost as good as new.

Oh how big is his cage? If it's too small that could be a problem or if over stuffed with toys, I' the worse as that, BUT I don't really think you have to worry.
His cage is large, probably bigger than it needs to be, if that’s possible. He does have several perches. Maybe I need to remove a few? I was thinking him climbing on the cage wires vs the perches was the cause for the damaged feathers so I gave more perches to climb. I will post a picture of his cage setup for reference.

Young birds are pretty rough on their feathers. I wouldn't be concerned. He'll molt those out in a few more months and likely have a better idea of how to keep them in one piece by then.
Thank you for reassuring me that it’s not concerning. He is rough on them, hopefully he takes care of his next feathers.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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London, UK
I see that some feather barbs have broken along a stress bar. Stress bars are areas of weakness that develop when the feather is growing in the sheath. It's common for barbs to break against this line because it is weaker.

This is nothing to worry about in a young bird. Stress bars occur when the bird has a lot of demands on its body, usually in terms of nutrition. A baby bird has to do a LOT of growing in its first few weeks - developing a healthy skeleton, building muscle, developing internal organs AND growing feathers on top of it all! It's difficult for even the best carers (parrot or human) to keep up with their nutritional demands. A few trade-offs have to be made, and the young parrot develops somewhat rougher feathers. Feathers are replaceable; hearts and lungs and bones aren't :)

Young birds are also hard on their feathers as they learn to fly, land, play and so on. He will look a bit scruffy but in time, he will moult the tatty feathers and grow beautiful new ones. His adult feathers will also be stronger and prettier because he won't have so many nutritional demands.