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Squeeky's Journal about his sickness as a baby..

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Joyriding the Neighborhood
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For those of you who didn't know it.
So my boyfriend purchased an almost 3 1/2 week old cockatiel for me for our 9 yr anniversary on Monday September 29, 2008. We got it this young because the petshop knew that I had raised and bred cockatiels since I was little with my parents and knew how to care for them. All seemed well with the baby when we brought it home. He was eating and just hanging out like normal. Then that following Thursday morning I woke up to find vomit all over the cage. I was freaking out and didn't know what to do. Out of all the years that we have bred cockatiels I have NEVER had one get sick and vomit. So I called a local avian vet and they told me to bring Squeeky in right away. I left work to take him in. They tested Squeeky's poop and the vet said that it had yeast and high levels of it. I was floored. I didn't know how this could happen. I was feeding him at the correct temps and sanitizing everything. He put my baby Squeeks on antibiotics and antifungals and told me that my baby only had a 50/50 chance of making it. This devastated me. :omg: I had already fallen in love with this little thing. While we were at the vets office Squeeky made me feel special though because every time he would get scared by a noise or the vet would come near him he would puff hiss and back up to come into my lap so I could protect him. Well he has been on meds since the 2nd of October and I am glad to say that he is all better now and done with the medication. The meds helped and the vet said Squeeky was going to make it. That made me so happy. Now I have it down to three 10-12 CC feedings a day. The vet wants me to cut it down to 2 feedings next week. I introduced pellets, vegetables (corn, peas, carrots, lima beans), rice, seed etc to him so he could get comforable with foods. He picked up on it really fast and started pecking at everything. At times he would do the little beak thing that cockatiels do when they are tasting/eating something which is so cute. The problem is that I don't know if he fully gets the idea of having to not only peck at it but ingest it as well.

Here is the situation. Ever since my Squeeky got sick on Tuesday my vet told me to cut back on the amount of formula and wet pellets I offer him to help aid him to want to eat for himself in the weaning process. He said all these wet foods in his crop could be causing him to get yeast growth and that his system was changing to be able to process the harder foods. He told me to feed Squeeky between 3-5 CC of formula 2x a day with the meds he takes twice a day and that he wants Squeeky to try to eat on his own throughout the rest of the day. I noticed though that last night when I only fed Squeeky the 4-5 CC's plus meds that he was still crying/begging for food after I fed it to him.

I decided I would put him in his cage with his millet/seeds/pellets to see if he would eat to fill himself up the rest of the way and he wasn't interested in that just kept crying. I tried to let him loose to fly around and he still kept doing the whining he does for food. Hearing him do this makes me feel like a bad birdie mommy and like I am starving him. He did the same whining thing this morning after getting fed. He has gotten skinny from throwing up so I would really like to give him more food to fatten him up a little but I don't want to go against what the vet said and give him more food than he suggested I give him. I am trying to encourage Squeeks to stop begging for food and to try to eat on his own but I don't think he is fully ready yet for this. I really do think he is whining because he really NEEDS more food because he was use to getting the 10-12 CC's before. I called the breeders we purchased Squeeky from and she told me that if when he was little he was getting 10-12 CC's he should be getting much less than that in his feedings now if he was going be getting any at all. She said that his crop gets smaller as he gets older in order to be able to fly and that it would not be able to hold as much as before and that was probably what caused him to get sick and throw up.

So day before yesterday I noticed Squeeky acting a little off. Not wanting to fly as much, quieter than usual, fluffed up a bit, and not being enthusiastic about eating. My mom and finance noticed him acting strange as well. That night I warmed up a water bottle and had him sit on it to keep warm just in case he was not well. I checked on him a few times through the night and then in the morning when I went to go check on him I saw vomit all over the towel which he was sitting on and in the cage. I was like :omg: not his again!!!
I immediately cleaned my hands and held him. He was being overly cuddly which I knew meant he wasn't feeling well. I knew I had to rehydrate him and quick. I gave him a couple of CC's of warm unflavored child's pedialite mixed with some of the medicine I had left over from when he got sick on me a few weeks ago. He didn't really want to drink but I knew he needed it after throwing up that much. I then warmed up the water bottle and placed him on it and left the space heater on and covered him to keep him warm. When I came home for lunch to check him he seemed a little better. Only threw up a little. I again reheated the water bottle and placed him on it and had him drink a little more pedialite which he drank on his own this time.

Ever since yesterday at around 10:45 am he has not thrown up again. I had my boyfriend call Squeeky's vet to let him know what was going on and what I should do (had him call since I was at work). He said I did the right thing by warming him up and giving him the pedialite and meds so quick. The meds worked quick which was good. By the evening last night he was begging for food once again, flying around, and singing some. He also was eating millet, seeds, and pellets last night too! That was a definite sign that he was better. This morning once again no vomit thank goodness and he was pecking at his foods in the cage. I gave 3-4 CC's of formula mixed with pedialite and the meds and he ate right up. The vet told me that he probably just had a relapse from the last time and that I had to give him the the Diflucan and Cephalexin 2x a day like the last time. He is going to be on them once again for a week. Once the week of formula mixed with medications is up he wants him down to one 3-4 CC feeding at night and just let him eat and drink on his own through out the day so he can learn to eat.

Once I see that he is maintaining on his own he said to take that night feeding away. He told me that he should have been weaned by 6 weeks but I felt that that was too early especially since he had been sick. Birds that have been sick take longer to wean. That is the only reason why he still is not weaned at almost 8 weeks. I know of people that had cockatiels that didn't wean until 10-12 weeks. I am just happy that my baby is doing ok again. I have to pick up antibiotics for him on Friday or Saturday because I will have run out of the little bit of the ones I have left from last time by then. I really hope this is the last time Squeeky has this problem. I really hope he overcomes this and does not have anymore of these episodes. All I want if for my birdie to be a happy and healthy birdie that lives a long life. I love my little Squeeky so much! I can't believe he will be 8 weeks on Friday.
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Joyriding the Neighborhood
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This morning I did the normal routine that I do every morning. I woke up when I heard my alarm clock, rolled around the bed a bit, and then peeked in at my Squeeker bugs. I noticed that there was orange stuff on the sheet, which got smeered onto my hand. This happened the last time he got sick. I thought "OH NO, NOT THIS AGAIN !!!" When I uncovered the cage he had thrown up on his cage and my wall like he has done when he has gotten sick before. I broke down in tears. I thought he had gotten over this since he had gotten weaned at the end of October and was no longer having the formula. That was the last time that he had one of these throwing up episodes. The wierd part of it all is that he was acting just fine last night and like his normal self. He was flying around and when my boyfriend's family came to see him he was really excited and was asking everyone for scritches. Don't worry I made everyone sanitize their hands before they went anywhere near Squeeky. Normally when he gets sick the night before he doesn't fly around, wants to be with me every second, and does not contact call to me as much. There was none of this this time. My dilema with this whole situation is that he has taken meds 2x before for this and apparently they didn't work and I don't have a lot of money for a vet visit right now. I don't want him to get immune to taking the antibiotics. I have been doing a lot of research online both the two last times he got sick and this morning. I have read that there are organic ways to treat this. I was reading about Grapefruit seed extract and that it can help treat infections and such. I have never used this before but I would really rather use something organic then keep going back to antibiotics and not to mention I can't spend $200 a month between taking him to a vet visit and then the meds. I am at my witts end. I love this little bird so much and I just hate that he keeps having all these problems. I want him to happy and healthy which I thought he was now until he got sick on me this morning. I just want what is best for my baby..

Here is some of the info I found on Grapefruit Seed Extract:

Grapefruit Seed Extract (Liquid Concentrate) Multipurpose Natural Antibiotic
The list of GSE's applications is long and impressive. GSE works as a multipurpose non-toxic germ killer, or natural antibiotic, for bacterial and viral problems of the intestines, including yeast infections (Candida albicans) without weakening the immune system. Can be used to disinfect vegetables and fruits that may have been sprayed with pesticides or mildly contaminated with microbes.
Prevention: Adult birds, 1 drop per gallon of water every day. For chicks, 1 drop in handfeeding formula once a day.
Treatment: Infected adult birds, 4-10 drops per gallon water daily. For chicks, 1 drop in handfeeding formula with each feeding; a probiotic should also be added to the formula. If no improvement within 24 hours, see an avian vet.
GSE is the one product I'm excited about and the product I give the most credit to for helping me get yeast under control in my aviary.
Many prestigious universities and independent laboratories had tested GSE against more than thirty fungi, twenty bacteria, and a host of viruses and protozoa. The body of research indicated that GSE was non-toxic and though more research needs to be done, it does not seem to have a negative impact on beneficial bacteria. In fact, by inhibiting yeast and other potential pathogens with GSE, it is believed that the friendly bacteria are more able to thrive.
For birds that have developed a beak fungus, place one drop GSE on a Q-tip and gently massage on the beak. Use this remedy every other day for one week (approximately 4 applications) and you will see the fungus flake off right in front of your eyes. A follow up with a Q-tip swab of pure Vitamin E lotion will help replenish the beak to normal health.
Grapefruit seed extract ( Citrus paradisi) has been touted to be useful for just about anything that ails you. The parts used for its medicinal purposes are the fruit peel, pulp and seeds, but the leaves may also be used. GSE has been shown to kill many types of microbes that cause harm to the body, but no studies have been able to prove it can affect the cell membranes of such a diverse group of microbes with no toxicity toward animals. It is classified as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiseptic and more.
GSE also has been found to be an effective disinfectant in both human and veterinary hospitals. As a cleaning agent GSE can be used for disinfecting counter tops, brooders, incubators, cooking utensils, feeding instruments, perches and so forth.
GSE contains phenolic compounds, bioflavonoids, amino acids, fatty acids, tocopherols, saccarides, ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acids. The phenolic compounds are unstable but are chemically converted into more stable substances that belong to a diverse class of products called quaternary ammonium compounds. Standardized GSE has the chemical name diphenol hydroxybenzene and is used by prescription in Germany. The chemical structure of the compounds produced by GSE is not fully documented; so much more investigation of GSE is needed in this area.

So I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar for my Squeeky's throwing up and it worked. By the very next day he was back to himself eating, drinking, singing, and playing. The only thing is his nitrates still have that yellow tint that they had from the first time he went to the vets. The vet said the nitrates had that yellow tint due to that infection in his liver. He told me that it should go away with time. Well they are still here and I let him know that this past time when I called the vet to let him know Squeeky had gotten sick again and that I was using vinegar to stop him from throwing up. He told me that if the nitrates didn't change that he was going to have to put him on an antibiotic strictly for the liver. Now I really hate to keep dragging Squeeky through the whole antibiotics road again. I have done a lot of research about Aloe detox and its benefits and cures for liver conditions so I was thinking about trying it out for Squeeky. I wasn't sure if the aloe detox is for this though. I mostly read about it helping with fatty liver disease. I don't know how much I would have to use either. Then I was thinking well if it is an infection then maybe I should go with the GSE to get rid of it. Not sure which of the two I should use or if I should just take the rd of antibiotics. I need to think about this.
I finally got the chance to call my vet back since it has been so crazy around here with the holidays and all. I let him know that Squeeky's nitrates were still slighted tinted a yellow color and asked him what he thought we should do about it. He opted it was best to stay away from the antibiotics for now because he thought they were do more harm then help at this point. He told me since Squeeks was already on antiobiotics a few times that they could further weaken his immune system. He said that with time his own immune system should help kick whatever it is. He also told me that if it were only slightly yellow/cream colored that it could be due to eating pellets. He said sometimes pellets can slightly change the color of the nitrates. He told me to continue to give him the ACV in his water everyday and continue to give him the probiotics.


Rollerblading along the road
Austin, TX
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Aww, poor little Squeeky! He'll be ok! Give him a big kiss from me and Dolce! :hug8:


Rollerblading along the road
Austin, TX
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Haha! I just noticed this was in 08! So he IS ok! See,told ya!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Sunny Fl
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I must say I went through quite a crazy road with my Squeekadoodle and almost losing him but my baby has always been a fighter. Him and I have always had a great bond. The last time he was sick was Dec of 08. The ACV was what helped him and stopped the throwing up. He has been getting it in his water EVERYDAY since then. I oked it with the vet and he says it is good to give him that because it will balance his PH levels and keep the bad bacterias from getting into his system. Don't be afraid to give your birdies ACV in their water everyday, it can help them stay healthy.

NOTE: Please don't subsitute ACV for taking your sick bird to a vet. What worked with Squeeky might not work for you or help your bird with what he has.
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Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Sunny Fl
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Haha! I just noticed this was in 08! So he IS ok! See,told ya!
Yes, he is now thank goodness. I am glad he got over it because it made me so sad to see how pitiful he looked when he was sick.


Jogging around the block
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Wow, Squeeky really had a rough start! So lucky to have you there to protect him and get him through it. Poor sweety, I can't imagine going through all that, I would fall apart. I am great when people are hurt, animals not so much it bothers me more because they can't tell you how bad they hurt.



Squawk and Meow!
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I didn't know about poor Squeeky's early problems :omg:
Great job Miriam taking care of the Squeekadoodle!! :heart:


Biking along the boulevard
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I'm so glad that both you and Squeeky fought so hard. You were meant to be friends. And thank you for the account---I really believe that we all can(vets included) learn so much from first hand accounts.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Memphis, TN
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Victoria :)
aw, I am so glad that Squeeky is OK!:hug8:
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