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Urgent Need help for my cockateil bird, i think he is having seizures?


Moving in
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Danish Mansoor
Hi, i have a 3.5 year old cockateil bird, his name is Ame.

The thing is, it is sort of a untamed one and is not trained that much but i try my best to take care of it. I normally give him pearl millet mixed with sunflower seeds (minimum quantity), sometimes spinach, or other green leaves.

The main issue is that since yesterday, Ame started to having this kind of seizure or fits which i am not sure of it. His perch is a little high, sometimes Ame suddenly fells down, starts to flutter its wings madly and tweets and it just feels like that either he is distressed or confused or something, please do help me with the same.

I took him to a vet as well today but they couldn't detect anything or symptom and gave some antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in oral form.

Please do help me ot in this one, i am confused and worried.


Tiel Feathers

Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I’m sorry I don’t really know what’s going on, but when you say he gets millet, sunflower seeds and greens, do you mean as his main diet? Or does he get pellets and a seed and veggie variety too? Are you able let him out of the cage?


Cruising the avenue
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Lower the perch low enough that he will not harm himself it he falls.

Sounds like a seizure to me, but I am not a vet. I could be wrong. I had a tiel who had stress induced seizures. He was on meds for life.

How many of these seizures or fits has the bird had? The vet must suspect an infection if the vet put your tiel on antibiotics. I understand your worry. I hope your bird is doing better today.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Check for metal toxicity...I'd really be concerned about that. Usually shows up in an xray. However, if my vet had any thoughts it could be that she would treat without the xray.


Rollerblading along the road
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London, UK
Was the vet you saw an avian vet who is experienced in treating birds? Did they do any cultures or tests to identify the infection?


Cruising the avenue
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I was only now ready to see the videos. My tiel displayed that same behavior a few times before he passed away, not too long ago. These episodes were not stress related. The vet could not determine the cause, and he did blood tests. Nothing out of the ordinary. The vet did not put Snuggles on meds.

Now, this could mean absolutely nothing to your bird’s behavior, but sometime after Snuggles displayed that same behavior 2-3 times, he developed a breathing problem where he was winded when I flew him, and he went downhill from there and passed away a few weeks later. He was a senior citizen, though. I don’t know if that played a part in his passing away. I did not have a necropsy done.

Could it be neurological? Does anyone have an opinion on that? I hope your little guy is doing better.


Moving in
Real Name
Danish Mansoor
I’m sorry I don’t really know what’s going on, but when you say he gets millet, sunflower seeds and greens, do you mean as his main diet? Or does he get pellets and a seed and veggie variety too? Are you able let him out of the cage?
For his main diet, I use seed mix (basically it's a mixture of different things) with the sunflower seeds included.

I do limit the usage of sunflower seeds as I understand too many of them wouldn't be beneficial for him.

As for the greens, I meant leafy greens Aka spinach, mint leaves, salad leaves, & coriander (these are the ones he mainly tends to eat). I give the leafy greens once a day to him. Other times in between I either give him a bit of boiled egg whites, or a bit of bread in between.

For getting out of the cage part, since my house is a bit open so unfortunately I'm not able to get him out of cage without the fear of him flying away or getting hurt in any way. Even though I have tried in the past to get him out of cage but was unsuccessful in my attempts.

Sorry if I explained badly, I'm not too good with English. And Thanks for trying to help out!


Moving in
Real Name
Danish Mansoor
Lower the perch low enough that he will not harm himself it he falls.

Sounds like a seizure to me, but I am not a vet. I could be wrong. I had a tiel who had stress induced seizures. He was on meds for life.

How many of these seizures or fits has the bird had? The vet must suspect an infection if the vet put your tiel on antibiotics. I understand your worry. I hope your bird is doing better today.
I have lowered his perch, and got his water and feed down to him.

And I did search it up - to me these are also starting to feel like seizures.. From yesterday till now he has had 3 to 4 times episodes like these and since he ends up frantically flapping in the cage cause of if - I mainly try to get him to calm down so he doesn't hurt himself. Currently, he's a bit more calm.

Yeah and the vet did prescribe the antibiotics - it's for 5 days. The vet was saying that my tiel's breathing seemed affected and Ame has been having a bit of droopy eyes too (tired)? He basically feels like he's a bit less energetic.

I'm sorry to hear about your tiel - I hope he was still able to have a good life. It it painful to see these little ones go through these stuff and at times not being to do much about it.

Hopefully the meds workout for him, and he gets better. Thank you for your reply.


Moving in
Real Name
Danish Mansoor
I was only now ready to see the videos. My tiel displayed that same behavior a few times before he passed away, not too long ago. These episodes were not stress related. The vet could not determine the cause, and he did blood tests. Nothing out of the ordinary. The vet did not put Snuggles on meds.

Now, this could mean absolutely nothing to your bird’s behavior, but sometime after Snuggles displayed that same behavior 2-3 times, he developed a breathing problem where he was winded when I flew him, and he went downhill from there and passed away a few weeks later. He was a senior citizen, though. I don’t know if that played a part in his passing away. I did not have a necropsy done.

Could it be neurological? Does anyone have an opinion on that? I hope your little guy is doing better.
I'm sorry for your loss. It's really painful to even imagine something like this for a pet owner. I hope Snuggles is in a better place, and that you're also doing alright.

For Ame, it doesn't seems to be stress related as something like this 3 to 4 times in a row had never happened previously since I had him. He did had night frights in the past and got freaked out cause of it but he had always seemed to calm down afterwards.

This time the situation feels different as there wasn't even anything he freaked out of, but more like out of no where started to just have fits like these?

The vet has not done any test - mainly checked him & and prescribed antibiotics for now.

And Thank you for your warms regards for Ame.


Moving in
Real Name
Danish Mansoor
Was the vet you saw an avian vet who is experienced in treating birds? Did they do any cultures or tests to identify the infection?
Not an avian vet - but they do treat birds. They haven't done test just checked my tiel and prescribed antibiotics for now.