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Pictures Bird baby looks to ah e a bruise


Meeting neighbors
7F0F6D72-D61A-41E0-8A8E-A1A9ACB040A1.jpeg Hello,
So I noticed three days ago while trimming my boys nails that he has a bruise on his foot.
I searched his cage for anything that could possibly be irritating him. I noticed the new wooden bridge I placed in there for added stimulation was pretty tore up so I removed it since the sharp wood seemed most likely the culprit. Now it’s day three, it has not increased in size but in deepening of color.
I want to note that he allows me to touch it, and is NOT favoring his foot. In fact, he’s walking normal and perching normal.
I also want to note that I doesn’t feel like a scab either.
I included pictures.
I’m wondering if this is something to worry about? I worry so much about any little thing since him and I have been through a lot together.


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If it looks worse or gets larger then good idea to take him to vet. For now, you can clean the foot and apply Vetericyn. I've used that with my birds when necessary. It's good that you took the bridge out of the cage.


Meeting neighbors
If it looks worse or gets larger then good idea to take him to vet. For now, you can clean the foot and apply Vetericyn. I've used that with my birds when necessary. It's good that you took the bridge out of the cage.
I’ve called the vet to question it. Likely this has happened before I never noticed due to his behavior. But it definitely has gotten darker.
He has full strength in his foot and toe, I tested that. He puts all weight on it and doesn’t seem bothered by it. Where I’m at there’s not many avian vets so I’m awaiting a phone call and seeing if I can get in Sunday.


Biking along the boulevard
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Looks more like a blood blister from a nip. Any other birds? Do any of his perches have a split anywhere?


Meeting neighbors
Looks more like a blood blister from a nip. Any other birds? Do any of his perches have a split anywhere?
3 days ago when I noticed this it wasn’t as dark and was a light bruise. I noticed his wooden bridge was torn up from him so I removed it seeing as it was likely the cause. I have no other birds. He’s way too territorial and mean to other birds and prefers to be a single baby.

Tiel Feathers

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It looks like a sore, which could be the beginning of bumble foot. Both of Sunset’s feet looked similar to that a long time ago, only more black. I think if you left that it might turn black too. The vet told me to make everything soft in her cage and she gave me an antibiotic just in case. It went away in two weeks. Hers was from her safety pumice perch. The kind that are smooth on top and rough on the sides. My other birds have those in their cages with no issue, but her foot is shaped just a tad different and it hits right where the smooth and rough part meet. I tried putting one back a few years ago, but she started to get little pink spots, so I took it out. Look for any ridges or rough spots where your bird spends the most time, but it could be from the rough bridge too.


Meeting neighbors
It looks like a sore, which could be the beginning of bumble foot. Both of Sunset’s feet looked similar to that a long time ago, only more black. I think if you left that it might turn black too. The vet told me to make everything soft in her cage and she gave me an antibiotic just in case. It went away in two weeks. Hers was from her safety pumice perch. The kind that are smooth on top and rough on the sides. My other birds have those in their cages with no issue, but her foot is shaped just a tad different and it hits right where the smooth and rough part meet. I tried putting one back a few years ago, but she started to get little pink spots, so I took it out. Look for any ridges or rough spots where your bird spends the most time, but it could be from the rough bridge too.
I’m thinking it was the bridge since that was the newest thing I put in his cage. And it was pretty tore up and rough.