I have two blue head girls. I've not met other pi's. I think in a lot of places, at least in the US, blue heads are easier to find. And - they are just wonderful birds. In both cases, our birds have been incredibly sweet, calm personalities who adapt pretty well to captivity (as opposed to many species of parrots). Our older girl is the kind of bird who can be fully flighted and left to roam the house with minimal supervision because she is sensible and stays out of trouble (doesn't chew cords or smash into windows or get into medicines etc). They can scream when they're hormonal. Their screaming is loud but not as loud as a larger parrot. They can be skittish and get scared of things. They're not bold and outgoing like a male eclectus or cockatoo or macaw. They can be perch potatoes. All in all I couldn't recommend them more. They're kind of like the cats of the bird world whereas a lot of parrots have more dog-like nature.