♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Been having quite the story here... And the problem isn't my birds or them being picky per se.
I started by trying the B14 Tropical - got it on a great deal. Even though it's made for budgies, thought we could try it. Big no. The colours were the problem.
I went back to the shop, bought the P15 original, made for bigger birds but it was a beige pellet. Ingredient %'s were quite similar. They loved them. But the pellets were quite large, they did manage to eat them.
Went online, got the lovebird/tiel size G14 original... Let them eat all the P15, then made the switch.... They took to the pellets fine, though they were more red.
Now they've been eating the pellets a while and there's a new problem.... Staining.
Gis and Ade are on a majority pellet diet and their paler feathers around their cloacas are stained red.
I'm looking online for a B14 original but it seems to not exist. If someone has ever heard of it, please let me know.
I don't really want them eating the P15, but I don't want the red stains either. I'm not sure what to do.. I might just have to go back to the psittacus food, but that cost me 3+ times as much.
I honestly don't understand why the lovebird size is red coloured and not beige...
I started by trying the B14 Tropical - got it on a great deal. Even though it's made for budgies, thought we could try it. Big no. The colours were the problem.
I went back to the shop, bought the P15 original, made for bigger birds but it was a beige pellet. Ingredient %'s were quite similar. They loved them. But the pellets were quite large, they did manage to eat them.
Went online, got the lovebird/tiel size G14 original... Let them eat all the P15, then made the switch.... They took to the pellets fine, though they were more red.
Now they've been eating the pellets a while and there's a new problem.... Staining.
Gis and Ade are on a majority pellet diet and their paler feathers around their cloacas are stained red.
I'm looking online for a B14 original but it seems to not exist. If someone has ever heard of it, please let me know.
I don't really want them eating the P15, but I don't want the red stains either. I'm not sure what to do.. I might just have to go back to the psittacus food, but that cost me 3+ times as much.
I honestly don't understand why the lovebird size is red coloured and not beige...