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Update on baby bird! + questions


Meeting neighbors
So baby bird is 10 days old now, the parents seem to be feeding him well. I put more shavings into the box. I bought the things i needed i case the parents decided/decide to abandon it but they seem to be very good at looking after it.

If the parents continue to feed it well, will i still need to hand feed it at some point? I bought the vetafarm formula and feeding spoon, and i will buy a syringe to measure the amount but i will put it onto the spoon. I just don’t want to hand feed the baby bird and disturb the parents routine if it’s not needed.

I cover the cage up at night for extra warmth as it’s winter in australia right now. Both parents sleep in the box at night, is that enough heat for the baby?

I’ve read online and seen that i should put some kind of bedding/newspaper on the bottom of the cage for when the baby starts to come out of the box. Which is better? Or should i just leave as is?

The other eggs haven’t hatched, should i remove them both now?

When should i remove the breeding box from the cage so the parents don’t breed again?



Rollerblading along the road
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Hopefully @Zara can help, and tag other as needed!


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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If the parents continue to feed it well, will i still need to hand feed it at some point?
If the parents are feeding OK, you can let them do it all the way

Both parents sleep in the box at night, is that enough heat for the baby?
The parents will control the temp.
Just be sure the room isn't cold.

I’ve read online and seen that i should put some kind of bedding/newspaper on the bottom of the cage for when the baby starts to come out of the box.
It's not really necessary. Birds leave the nest when they are ready. You can lay some non piling fleece down to soften any potential falls, but really it's not necessary and harder to clean.

The other eggs haven’t hatched, should i remove them both now?
What were the approx hatch dates?
Unhatched eggs in the nest for the first few days to a week aren't a bad thing. They can help prop up chicks and stop the hen brooding to tightly.

When should i remove the breeding box from the cage so the parents don’t breed again?
Once the little ones fledge and stop returning to the box.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
I just looked at your prev thread. The egg that was half grey can be removed now.
As for the other what date was it supposed to hatch?

As a side note, looking on my mobile phone at the pictures of the chick on the other thread they were very red, likely dehydrated. Given that they look healthy now the hen must have rectified that.