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Unsure whether my conure is sick or just settling in


Checking out the neighborhood
So I recently brought home a young pearly conure, he is about 8-12 weeks old, hand raised and from a lovely breeder.

he has only been here for around a day and im aware that it can take a while for a bird to properly settle in but I’ve noticed some behaviours from him that I’m a bit nervous about. I’m also a first time bird owner so I have no previous experience with bringing home a new bird.

for the first day he has been here he would run and climb around his cage and explore some of his toys however he would also take some small naps frequently. I had assumed this was because he was tired from being brought home and into a new environment, he also hadn’t eaten/drunken anything the first day either. I have supplied him with the same type of food that the breeder was giving him, I have attempted to feed him pellets and walnuts through his cage bars but he’s only nibbled on them and then dropped them.

He slept alright last night however I noticed after a couple minutes of waking him up that he still seemed sleepy, he was taking a couple naps and I thought I would simply cover his cage again for another hour to let him get a bit more sleep but yet he still seems to be taking some naps. He still hasn’t eaten/drunken anything and his feathers are all puffy.

His poo looks normal and he looks healthy, I’m assuming the puffy feathers are because the room is a bit cold. He is still preening himself and is relatively chatty, he’s also been beak grinding quite a bit. but I’m still a bit worried that something might be wrong with him.

Are these simply normal behaviours for a new bird when settling in? I’m probably just being paranoid but I just wanted to double check to make sure that he is doing alright.


Biking along the boulevard
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:greet13:hello and welcome!
Sometimes youngs ines can revert abd need a little comfort hand feeding. Call your breeder abd check in with them.

You might offer some scrambled egg. Or some cooked mashed sweet potatoes served warm. Or crumble up his pellets and add a little warm water to make a mash and see if you can encourage him to eat.

Do not cover his cage during the day time. A burd won't eat in the dark.

Really spend time sweet talking and play with his food with him.

Kiwi's Dad

Rollerblading along the road
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:welcomegroup: @Pixiebeak did a great job explaining! I wanted to add that a vet visit should be scheduled to make sure he’s healthy :D


Biking along the boulevard
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Little younguns can get in trouble quickly with not eating . And it's a lot of change going to a new home. They need extra pampering and snuggle if they are well socialized and used to being held. You can often scoop them up gently in 2 hands and place on your chest while you are sitting.

New to home burds of any age can go off feed the first couple of days. So you really want to tempt them and encourage, offering a millet spray. But with babies you want to.be extra careful about not eating. You can buy baby burd formula and make up a little, little thicker like Greek yogurt thickness abd iffer from your fingers don't chase let them come and explore. Or out a thick dab on the edge if their food dish. Or a separate dish and remove after half hour as goes bad quick.

Offer some frozen peas thawed in warm water and drain. Or a little apple diced up and other veggies diced up to pea size, or even steam them first. Babies do better with small sizes. And uts a great time to expose them to lots if different veggies and don't forget the leafy stuff like romaine lettuce, Swiss chard. Warm mashed sweet potatoes are well liked by most and excellent to offer.


Checking out the neighborhood
He’s eaten both some pellets and bird chop and he knows where to find them in his cage, so I think he’ll be fine. I called my breeder as well and he said some of his strange behaviour is likely because he’s depressed as he is no longer living with his siblings, but once he’s settled in he’ll be fine. I’m planning on mostly not handling him for the first couple days he is here so that he can properly adjust and settle in. But thank you all for the tips!


Biking along the boulevard
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Keep us updated and we will love pictures when is not stressful to share!

I hope you guys have many happy years!

Even though he knows were food is he might still need encouragement for a couple of days . Flocks and siblings eat together, so the stimulus of playing with their food can help.

I like to weigh mine on a digital kitchen scale every day tge first 2 weeks . To make sure they are eating well and not losing weight.

I keep the house a little warmer. And I use my sweeter heater for the first few days even for adult birds . Its so stressful on them changing homes even going from a great home to a great home.

On socialized babies I've gotten, if they were interested i got them out day one which mine were. But definitely do as you feel comfortable !
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Checking out the neighborhood
Keep us updated and we will love pictures when is not stressful to share!

I hope you guys have many happy years!

Even though he knows were food is he might still need encouragement for a couple of days . Flocks and siblings eat together, so the stimulus of playing with their food can help.

I like to weigh mine on a digital kitchen scale every day tge first 2 weeks . To make sure they are eating well and not losing weight.

I keep the house a little warmer. And I use my sweeter heater for the first few days even for adult birds . Its so stressful on them changing homes even going from a great home to a great home.

On socialized babies I've gotten, if they were interested i got them out day one which mine were. But definitely do as you feel comfortable !
Here’s an update if you wanted it!

so I did decide to try and handle him yesterday and it went really well so he’s already grown quite fond of me. As for him eating, he doesn’t require any encouragement today, he fills himself up whenever he likes so he is doing well. He doesn’t seem to be as sleepy today and so far has been munching on his pellets most of the morning.

I was a bit worried for him this morning as some of his droppings looked and smelt abnormal, but I messaged my breeder and he said it’s mostly because of him adjusting to his new diet and not because he was sick which was good news.

His feathers are still a bit puffy most of the time, however I noticed today how they smoothen out a bit when handling him. I originally thought he was puffy because it was cold but being in Australia at the moment it’s definitely quite warm since we are in summer, I think he’s just fluffy.

Other than that, he is eating/drinking well, preening often, curious and energetic, doing lots of beak grinding, less tired and just less stressed in general.


Biking along the boulevard
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Im so happy he is starting to settle in! And that you guys are getting to know each other!!
We want as many updates as possible ! Its big doings bringing in a forever love!
Do keep an eye on everything like you are. If poops continue to be off do get him checked.
Babies as young as him are going to take a few naps during the day .

Kiwi's Dad

Rollerblading along the road
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I'm glad to hear he's better!


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
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You have made a great start with him, dont be concerned about him having naps conures are total balls of energy but they do enjoy napping throughout the day, both of mine nap all the time during the day.