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Pesticide and birds?


Checking out the neighborhood
My mom had been planning on spraying pesticide because of ants coming out due to the summer for a while now. I have tried to convince her to try other methods instead, but since ants still crawled out of nowhere after wiping the entire house clean with some baking soda and vinegar mix, she wouldn't budge. We had agreed that we would be keeping our lovebird Krim out on the balcony when she did this because we knew full well how deadly it is to birds (lost a lovie years back because of it). Today, she decided she would be spraying because ants were just coming out of nowhere when we couldn't find where they were going. I took Krim to the balcony early today (also to soak up the sun), but mom ended up spraying pretty late so I was getting nervous about Krim. I've never kept him outside overnight and while where we are is pretty safe from predators and we live in an upper floor flat, the AC unit for our bedroom, which is on all night, is in our balcony. Summers here can get scary hot + the AC fumes and heat that could be dangerous for Krim for all I know. I reluctantly brought him in tonight because of the heat, but I wanted to know if you guys think that's a good idea. My mom's still planning to continue spraying the rest of the house tomorrow. I tried convincing my mom again today to try something bird-safe, but she isn't willing to consider anything that doesn't guarantee getting rid of the ants. I've been checking on Krim every half hour in his room to see how he's doing.

I want to leave him outside where he's a reassuring distance from the pesticide fumes and where he has direct access to open air, but again, I've never left him outside overnight so I don't actually know the dangers of leaving him out there completely unattended and vulnerable. Plus the AC unit which will be close to him no matter where I place him on the balcony, but I don't mind switching it off and angering my family if it's to keep my bird safe. I definitely don't want to keep him inside if I can at all help it, unless it's more dangerous for him to be outside.

Please help me out. Thank you and have a nice day!:heart:


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
Tell your mum to buy ant traps. They are little plastic things with holes. Works wonders! I just had a bad bout of ants and the traps were all I needed.


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Do you know what chemical product your mom used to spray for ants? It will help narrow down the time frame for how long it will take before it is safe to return the bird to the inside.

Joe Henderson

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Joe Henderson
Sprat outside only around the perimeter of the house . On the floor ( baseboards)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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