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Outdoor Parakeet Aviary


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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I began a project recently to convert my old unused greenhouse into a large outdoor aviary for my flock of parakeets. I thought I might share my progress and what I have built so far.

This is the greenhouse before I started:


It is built off the side of my garage with clear plastic roofing panels on a wood frame. The total size is 26 feet long by 10 feet wide and the ceiling height is approximately 8 feet tall.

The first step was removing the panels from the long side and replacing them with plywood siding and hardware cloth to improve ventilation.


I decided to keep the roof and side panels intact, because they allow in a lot of natural light and the solid roof protects against hawks.

Here you can see what it looks like inside the greenhouse. In this picture, I have already removed the raised bed on the left side and I am starting to take down the plastic paneling.


I decided to keep the second raised bed to allow an area for plants to grow. For the other side of the room, I plan on laying down a paver floor.


There was a faucet in the middle of the room which wasn't working for me, so I decided to move it against the wall. It looks a little better over here.


I also started working on a safety door and entryway to prevent birds from escaping.


Later on, I'll be adding a wall next to the door, so I will have a small storage and viewing area at the entrance of the aviary. Right now it is just a door.


For the floor, I added multiple layers, starting with a layer of hardware cloth to deter burrowing predators.


Crushed and compacted gravel for drainage.

Sand for leveling the pavers.


And finally the pavers themselves.


The floor took a lot of hard work and several weekends to complete, but I finally finished!


The next major project was planting the raised bed. I had already picked out a ton of bird-safe plants, so I started planting immediately.


In the raised bed, I planted a flowering currant, grafted dwarf apple tree, dwarf blueberry, dwarf fig, and a variety of herbs and peppers.

On the other side of the aviary, I have container plants, including citrus trees, lavender, nasturtiums, and a tray of sprouted bird seed.


To keep the birds out of the dirt and help with clean-up, I added pea gravel to the raised bed. And I positioned wrought iron trellises to provide perches.


Next, it was time to start adding more roosting spaces. Earlier, I had bought manzanita wood online to use as natural perches.



I trimmed and shaped the branches to my liking, then secured them to the ceiling joists and wall in various locations using stainless steel hardware. I also started adding toys and other things.


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Most recently, I worked on framing out the entryway. Just needs some wire mesh and the entry will be done.

It is really starting to look like an aviary! If all goes well, I should be ready to add birds in a week or two.


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Oh yes, they were my constant helpers as you can probably tell from how many times they ended up in the pictures. I had to close the door for a while to keep them out while I was leveling the sand and I came out of the aviary/greenhouse to find them all waiting patiently right outside the door. Even the cat!

Very dedicated workers, the lot of them.

Although, I think they were a little disappointed when I covered up the dirt floor. They loved digging nice depressions in the dirt to lay down in while they watched me doing my weird human things.

I also got a surprise visit from my peahen, Jade, while I was doing the gravel.


It is the breeding season, so she is looking for good secluded spots to nest. She spotted the open door and decided to check the place out. But it must not have been up to her high standards because she continued the hunt.


Ripping up the road
Avenue Veteran
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That is very impressive!


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Dorset, England, UK
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Those will be some spoilt birds! Can't wait to see the birds in it!


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
London, UK
Very nice! I would be tempted to put a bench in there so I could sit and hang out with the flock.

How many parakeets do you have?


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Very nice! I would be tempted to put a bench in there so I could sit and hang out with the flock.

How many parakeets do you have?
Oh I will absolutely be putting in a place to sit and enjoy the birds. Probably a folding chair, so I can take it out when I am not sitting in it. Otherwise, I suspect it would get "decorated" by the birds. :)

I have ten budgerigars, four button quail, and four Lady Gouldian finches. They are currently in several large flight cages in my house. The goal is to move all the birds in once the aviary is ready, but I will need to monitor closely to be sure the finches and quail will be okay with the keets. I believe there should be enough room for everyone to live happily together. But it will depend on the temperament of the individual birds. Hard to say for sure until I try.

I'll be providing multiple feeding stations, different areas to perch, visual breaks, and plenty of toys to keep the budgies occupied. And I'll be monitoring for aggression and signs of stress, so I can intervene quickly if something does go badly. However, I think it will go well and I am sure the birds will be much happier in such a large open space after living their lives in confinement. The finches have never been allowed to fly across an entire room. And my newest budgies came from a pet store that clipped their wings so severely they can't even stop themselves from falling when they jump off a perch. :( I am still waiting for their primaries to grow back in months later, so I will be designing the perches and toy placement with my "flight-challenged" birds in mind. Lots of ropes and ladders everywhere. Ground level food and water for the quail and clipped budgies.

I've wanted a walk-in aviary for many years. I can't believe I finally managed to do it! I am very excited to be finished soon.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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Wow, you're doing an amazing job! I loved seeing your dogs and cat hanging out too. :joyful:
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Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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Update Time! (With Birds)

I managed to get a lot accomplished in the last week, so I have lots to report and many pictures to share.

First off, the wall is up and the aviary is now fully enclosed.


I also added some hanging vines in front of the inner door to hopefully deter birds trying to fly out over my head.


Next, I worked on preparing the space for the arrival of the birds. I added hanging platforms that I plan to use as feeding stations, waterers at various heights and a ton of toys.

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I will be offering a couple of different types of pellets in hanging feeders, as well as various other foods in different parts of the aviary.

On the left is a blend of TOPS Small, Harrison's HP Superfine and Mazuri Small Bird pellets. Middle is Roddybush crumbles and Lafeber parakeet pellets. On the right is a mix of Higgins Intune Natural, Zupreem Fruitblend Small, and Tropical Carnival Parakeet pellets.

Yes, I know. I have way too many different kinds of pellets. It's a problem, but I am working on it.


The top tray is Goldenfeast Australian blend, middle tray has Nature's Salad, bottom tray has a ABBA 2100 parakeet treat mix.


It might be over-kill, but I am making sure that all the birds can locate the feeding stations, so I have also scattered small bowls and trays all over the place. I'll be slowly replacing the seed trays with other options, like sprouted seeds, fresh veggies, and chop, once the birds are settled in and familiar with where they can look for yummy food.

At this point, the aviary is pretty much ready for birds. I couldn't think of anything else that needed to be done before the birds were let free. The first inhabitants will be these super adorable button quail. They are peaceful ground-dwelling birds that are commonly kept in aviaries to clean up spilled seed and add visual interest to the lower half of the aviary. They get along well with other peaceful birds and can sometimes be tamed with enough patience. However, they do startle easily and they are not suitable in aviaries with larger or more aggressive birds, especially parrots. They can actually fly rather well, although they do not roost at night and generally spend all their time at ground level.


In addition to the quail, I will also be housing four male Lady Gouldian finches.


I moved the quail and finch cage into the aviary a few days prior to release to allow them to acclimate to their new surroundings.

After all preparations were complete, I released the quail!

And they totally refused to leave the cage. I could practically hear them thinking "Nope ... that is clearly a trap. No way, lady. Not gonna trick me so easily."

After about five minutes of anxiously watching the quail slowly circle around their cage, ignoring the wide open doors, I shrugged my shoulders and moved on to the finch release.

This time, I got immediate interest. Jasper, my yellow-backed finch, hopped to the front and tilted his head back and forth, scoping out the room. I grabbed my phone and was scrambling to take a video when three out of four finches burst from the cage simultaneously and started zooming around the open aviary like tiny, brightly colored missiles. They landed in three different spots, scattered around the aviary. Then took off again, zoomed around and landed/crashed in new spots.

I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or the finches. They were out!

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It took a while for the finches to figure out how to land properly. Many of their initial "flights" were incredibly scary to watch, because they were flying full tilt and clearly didn't know how to stop. They would just zoomed about until they hit into wire, the floor, or just happened to end up close to a branch. And when one of them took flight, that would startle the others so they would also fly in a random direction. Eventually they started to settle down or maybe they were simply too tired to keep zooming.

Meanwhile, the button quail calmly sauntered out of their cage and started scoping out the aviary.


Here is Sterling, my silver finch, coming for a closer look at one of the silver button quails.


And here you can see the button quail poofing up her wings to look "big and scary" so the finch won't eat her. Sterling decided that he didn't want to mess with such an impressive woman and so he left.


I will be waiting a few days before introducing my parakeets. I want to give the finches and quail time to adjust to their new level of freedom and also let the finch figure out the whole "flying and then not flying" thing first.

More pictures soon!

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Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Dorset, England, UK
Real Name
When will the budgies be introduced? It is looking amazing! I love the watering system for the plants! How often does it go off?


Moving in
Real Name
I began a project recently to convert my old unused greenhouse into a large outdoor aviary for my flock of parakeets. I thought I might share my progress and what I have built so far.

This is the greenhouse before I started:

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It is built off the side of my garage with clear plastic roofing panels on a wood frame. The total size is 26 feet long by 10 feet wide and the ceiling height is approximately 8 feet tall.

The first step was removing the panels from the long side and replacing them with plywood siding and hardware cloth to improve ventilation.

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I decided to keep the roof and side panels intact, because they allow in a lot of natural light and the solid roof protects against hawks.

Here you can see what it looks like inside the greenhouse. In this picture, I have already removed the raised bed on the left side and I am starting to take down the plastic paneling.

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I decided to keep the second raised bed to allow an area for plants to grow. For the other side of the room, I plan on laying down a paver floor.

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There was a faucet in the middle of the room which wasn't working for me, so I decided to move it against the wall. It looks a little better over here.

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I also started working on a safety door and entryway to prevent birds from escaping.

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Later on, I'll be adding a wall next to the door, so I will have a small storage and viewing area at the entrance of the aviary. Right now it is just a door.

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For the floor, I added multiple layers, starting with a layer of hardware cloth to deter burrowing predators.

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Crushed and compacted gravel for drainage.
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Sand for leveling the pavers.

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And finally the pavers themselves.

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The floor took a lot of hard work and several weekends to complete, but I finally finished!

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The next major project was planting the raised bed. I had already picked out a ton of bird-safe plants, so I started planting immediately.

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In the raised bed, I planted a flowering currant, grafted dwarf apple tree, dwarf blueberry, dwarf fig, and a variety of herbs and peppers.

On the other side of the aviary, I have container plants, including citrus trees, lavender, nasturtiums, and a tray of sprouted bird seed.

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To keep the birds out of the dirt and help with clean-up, I added pea gravel to the raised bed. And I positioned wrought iron trellises to provide perches.

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Next, it was time to start adding more roosting spaces. Earlier, I had bought manzanita wood online to use as natural perches.

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I trimmed and shaped the branches to my liking, then secured them to the ceiling joists and wall in various locations using stainless steel hardware. I also started adding toys and other things.

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Most recently, I worked on framing out the entryway. Just needs some wire mesh and the entry will be done.

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It is really starting to look like an aviary! If all goes well, I should be ready to add birds in a week or two.
Wow that is truly amazing. Can't wait to see the final result with all the birds! You should be very proud :0
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Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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When will the budgies be introduced? It is looking amazing! I love the watering system for the plants! How often does it go off?
I should have another update ready soon with many parakeet pictures to share. It has been a busy day!:D

As for the watering system, I have been watering daily due to the heat, but I have a timer that I can set to water on a schedule for different lengths of time. When the weather is cooler, I water less often. The containers get hand-watered daily or every other day, except for the citrus trees. They prefer a nice deep watering and then I wait until the dirt looks thirsty before I water again. If you water them too much, they can suffer root rot.


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Dorset, England, UK
Real Name
I should have another update ready soon with many parakeet pictures to share. It has been a busy day!:D

As for the watering system, I have been watering daily due to the heat, but I have a timer that I can set to water on a schedule for different lengths of time. When the weather is cooler, I water less often. The containers get hand-watered daily or every other day, except for the citrus trees. They prefer a nice deep watering and then I wait until the dirt looks thirsty before I water again. If you water them too much, they can suffer root rot.
Is it just attached to a house like a sprinkler system? Just a hose pipe with holes in that is fed with water from a pipe?


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Real Name
Yes, it is a "soaker hose". I have a faucet in the aviary with a regular hose attached to it. The regular hose runs over to the garden bed and attaches to the soaker hose. When the faucet is turned on, the soaker hose fills with water. Tiny holes allow the water to seep out close to the roots, without sparying the plant leaves or getting the rest of the aviary wet.

I considered installing a fancier drip irrigation setup as it uses less water and keeps it even more contained, but those systems involve a lot of thin tubing and small plastic parts. I was concerned that the parakeets might chew on the tubing or try to eat the end caps or something. Also drip irrigation is kind of finicky, the nozzles get clogged easily and the system is typically gravity fed, so you must plan it out carefully so it works as intended. The soaker hose is a simple solution and much harder to break.

I've also noticed the quail drink the water as it drips from the hose which I think is pretty neat. They must be drawn to the moving water.


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Spotlight Award
Dorset, England, UK
Real Name
Yes, it is a "soaker hose". I have a faucet in the aviary with a regular hose attached to it. The regular hose runs over to the garden bed and attaches to the soaker hose. When the faucet is turned on, the soaker hose fills with water. Tiny holes allow the water to seep out to water the plants close to the roots.

I considered installing a fancier drip irrigation setup, but those systems involve a lot of thin tubing and small plastic parts. I was concerned that the parakeets might chew on the tubing or try to eat the end caps or something. Also drip irrigation is kind of finicky, the nozzles get clogged easily and the system is typically gravity fed, so you must plan it out carefully so it works as intended. The soaker hose is a simple solution and much harder to break.

I've also noticed the quail drink the water as it drips from the hose which I think is pretty neat. They must be drawn to the moving water.
Thanks! I'm thinking about it for my planted aviary, especially with the covered end and the horrible hot summers we keep getting here...


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
London, UK
This is AWESOME! Those birds are moving into a palace! The Gouldians are particularly stunning - they're like jewels. I'll tag @finchly so she can admire them too :)


Strolling the yard
Avenue Veteran
North Carolina
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My gosh! That is absolutely awesome!!!! Love it so much. I wanna come hang out there. It looks so peaceful.
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Lady Jane

Ripping up the road
Avenue Veteran
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My mouth is hanging open in amazement! I am so happy for your achievement. If your budgies are as pretty as your other birds are wow! Are you in a cold climate during winter? Is there a lighting system? @JLcribber did you see this?


Avenue Veteran
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Alberta, Canada
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My mouth is hanging open in amazement! I am so happy for your achievement. If your budgies are as pretty as your other birds are wow! Are you in a cold climate during winter? Is there a lighting system? @JLcribber did you see this?
No I did not.

What a fabulous space you’ve created. Well done. :hug8: