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November 2018 Mayor of the Avenue... Tiel Feathers (Deanna)

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Our "Mayor of the Avenue" award is presented to a member who exhibits the qualities that distinguish them to be an upstanding credit to the Avenue, a loving, informed, conscientious and caring bird parront and an all around good neighbor.

I am happy to announce that Tiel Feathers is November's Mayor of the Month.
I enjoyed reading your interview, and am sure that everyone else will as well!

1. What kind of birds do you have (age, species and names)?

I have three cockatiels: Sunset, a female cinnamon who is almost 5 years old:

Cappuccino, a female pearl who is 2 years old:

and Niko, also a female cinnamon, who is 7 years old:


2. What got you interested in birds?

When I was a kid my piano teacher had about 15 birds in her studio, and I thought they were amazing and a little bit scary. I really loved and respected the cockatoo. In addition to those parrots, I also have always loved birds. They always just seemed so intelligent and special to me. Then, when my daughter was younger she won a goldfish at a fair. I was completely unprepaired for this, don't think they should have fish like that at fairs, and didn't want her to win one, but here we were with this fish, so I did some research and bought a fish tank and all the supplies, but unfortunately the fish didn't live for more than a few days. We were all upset by this, but it got me thinking about other pets. I came across parrots and became really interested in them. I learned everything I could about them and then ended up with my birds. My family teases me that it all started with that fish, and if it weren't for that one fish we wouldn't have these birds that rule our life lol.

3. What have your birds brought to your life?

My birds have brought me absolute joy. They make me smile and bring me a sense of peace when I'm sitting with them. They never fail to cheer me up when I am having a bad day. They have also brought me heartache, worry, a more crowded house, and a thinner wallet, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

4. What have you learned from sharing your life with your birds?

I have learned to be more patient. If you are trying to get your bird to do something, if you are not patient you will loose every single time.

5. What's one birdie memory that will stay with you forever?

I will never forget when Cappuccino flew home after being out lost for four days. I was sitting outside with my other birds and I hadn’t seen her for over 24 hours. All of a sudden I heard a very faint cockatiel call. It got louder and louder as I saw Cappuccino come soaring out of the distance towards my house like a jet airplane. She flew right over the house and landed on a neighbor’s roof and I was able to get her down. I am so thankful she came home safe.

6. Where is your birds main living area?

My birds live in the family room. They love being where the action is, and I would miss them too much if they had their own room. (Unfortunately my family won't let me turn the family room into a complete bird room!)

7. Did you change things in your home to accommodate your birds and if so what kinds of things did you change?

I stopped using teflon, candles, etc. I also enclosed my decks in netting so my birds can be outside in the summer. In addition, I cleaned out a closet so my birds' sleep cages could go in there. My birds all have their own cage because I think they are happier that way, so we had to rearrange things a bit.

8. Are you involved in any kind of bird related group or activities?

I belong to a bird club, which meets once a month. It's fun to socialize with others who are interested in birds.

9. What is the one luxury item you would love to have for your bird(s)?

I would love for them to have a really big aviary in my family room, but my family won't let me replace the wood burning stove area with one. I would also like to turn my back deck into a proper aviary and attach a sun room. A girl can dream, right?

10. Is there any bird that you dream of owning and if so why?

Not really, but someday I would like to have another male normal grey tiel. I miss my Twilight.

11. Describe a typical day with you at home with your birds.

I get my birds food for the day, and then I get them up at about 8:00. After I clean their sleep cages and do a few more chores, I let them out while I eat breakfast for about an hour. After breakfast I’m usually home with them, and I let them out again at lunch. In the afternoons I am in and out, but I almost always am able to let them out mid afternoon. Then at about 5:30 I give them their “dinner” of sprouts and chop. At 7:00 it’s off to bed. Once they are all in bed, I clean their day cages and wash their dishes.

12. What have you learned about owning birds that you would like to share?

Don’t have any expectations regarding your bird before you get him/her, because more often than not your bird won’t live up to them. Also, love your birds for who they are because even the most ornery of them is special and needs understanding.

13. If you knew then what you know now about birds, what would you do differently?

I would just have two birds. I love them all, and I wouldn’t want to ever give one up, but I think it’s easier to give quality attention to two, easier to take two on vacation, and easier to find a pet sitter for two.

14. What other hobbies do you have?

I like to draw, play the piano and read.

15. Anything else you would like to share?

Just that Avian Avenue is such an awesome community, and thank you so much for choosing me as Mayor of the Avenue. I’m honored!


Ask me for a photo of my bird, I have to post one!
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:Congratwav: I really enjoyed reading your interview, congrats!


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Great interview!! Congratulations!! I loved learning more about your flock :heart:
Enjoyed reading about your tiels - I did not realize all three are girls
Me too!! And I didn't know you had a daughter!!


I have macaws and don't post enough pictures
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Congratulations @Tiel Feathers! :starshower1:

I enjoyed your interview very much. :thumbsup: I never knew Cappuccino was gone for 4 days -how scary! But I am so glad she came back safe & sound. :hug8:

Tiel Feathers

Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Thank you so much everyone!
Congrats! Enjoyed reading about your tiels - I did not realize all three are girls - I remember Cappuccino's escape - was so happy when you got her back!
Thank you and yes, three girls! They are so sweet, but right now they all want to find a nesting spot! I do miss that male energy though.
Great interview!! Congratulations!! I loved learning more about your flock :heart:

Me too!! And I didn't know you had a daughter!!
Thanks, and yes, I have two daughters. One is 12, and one is 15. They are both really great kids and we are always laughing together.
Congratulations @Tiel Feathers! :starshower1:

I enjoyed your interview very much. :thumbsup: I never knew Cappuccino was gone for 4 days -how scary! But I am so glad she came back safe & sound. :hug8:
Thank you! Yes, it was so scary! It was sweet how she hung out in the neighborhood mostly. She knew where home was and just didn’t know how to fly down. It got down in the mid 40’s one night and there was a major thunderstorm then too with several lightening strikes and tons of rain. It was a miracle she made it back healthy and unharmed.
You so deserve this award. I am happy for you.
Aw, thank you so much!:heart:


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Cruising the avenue
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Awesome! And congratulations... you so deserve this award! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your interview. And how fortunate Cappuchino made her way back home... she knew where she belonged!
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