Aww no I'm so incredibly sorryBaby has passed away
I can’t stop crying. I’m heartbroken for the parents too. I know she triedSo so sorry I am truly heartbroken for you
she’s sitting on one egg, I don’t know the status of it. I just want this whole thing to be over already and for them to come out and play. I’m gonna wait Of course until she’s ready.I am very sorry for your loss. You gave the little one the best chance possible, it just wasn't meant to be.
Did you have any more eggs/chicks?
You can try stuffing the gap with towels or other fabrics... or making something (like a kickboard) out of plastic or cardboard.The couch is their major trigger. I’ve bought every kind of floor guard/cover you can imagine and they’re so persistent. Every time they’ve laid eggs that couch triggered them. I’m going to just get rid of it and get something else that touches the floor.
Give it another week in case it is fertile.she’s sitting on one egg, I don’t know the status of it.
Oh trust me, I’ve done that. I’ve used blankets, sheets, guards that fit to the couch, and even pool noodles (thinking they’d be scared of them) but nope, chewed right through them. I had someone suggest LED lights under the couch but that just gave them mood lighting. They can slowly burrow through everything. So, I had to constantly reset everything I’d set up. Thats why this happened this time, I’ve been stuck in bed a lot with a heart rhythm issue, and so I wasn’t resetting as often. My husband would supervise but he’s not as through as I am.You can try stuffing the gap with towels or other fabrics... or making something (like a kickboard) out of plastic or cardboard.
Give it another week in case it is fertile.
When I took them in from their previous owner, they were being really mistreated. They won’t sleep in anything except these little fleece sacks. They will also fight if they are caged together, but only if they are caged in. They were kept in tiny boxes at previous home that’s probably why.I'm sorry. I had a similar loss earlier last year. Sometimes, they are just not strong enough and there is nothing we can do. My heart still aches for my little Lasagna (chick's name) but there was nothing to be done. Sending you and the parents lots of love.
Honestly? I would let the pair stay together, replace eggs with dummies, let them sit as long as they want. Try to discourage external breeding stimuli (12 hours or less of light, no nesty areas, no super abundant food/soft food). They could still very well try and make babies, but it is natural.
I’m so sorry for little lasagna. I know the feeling nowBUT... since you have another egg... Give mom and dad everything they want. Are they in a proper nestbox? What is the set up? (Sorry if you already answered this).
Pellets, seed, fresh fruit and veg, warm scrambled eggs. Sweet potato and carrots are a huge hit in my household. More food than you think they need. When mom lays, I would recommend giving her a calcium supplement in the water as well, just for future reference.
Sorry for the 3rd reply, I don’t know how to quote properly And I keep forgetting something.BUT... since you have another egg... Give mom and dad everything they want. Are they in a proper nestbox? What is the set up? (Sorry if you already answered this).
Pellets, seed, fresh fruit and veg, warm scrambled eggs. Sweet potato and carrots are a huge hit in my household. More food than you think they need. When mom lays, I would recommend giving her a calcium supplement in the water as well, just for future reference.
i really needed to hear your words thank you. Things usually affect me most at night and I’ve just been laying here in tears. I know it might seem odd to someone that hasn’t been through it, but God I really wanted him to live. They’re such little miracles. I hope he gets another chance. I don’t get this world.I'm so sorry to hear that. It's hard to lose one when you put your heart into giving it the best possible chance. It gets easier to accept over time, but it always hurts when it happens.
It's hard to tell what caused it when they are so tiny. It can be anything from a genetic issue to an inexperienced hen to a physical problem like an internal blockage or a chick that fails to thrive. Nature seems cruel sometimes, but the hens somehow know something is wrong and won't put their energy into raising a chick that isn't going to survive. The one comfort when this happens is that it's rarely our fault. Not every egg is meant to hatch, and not every chick that hatches is destined to survive. The ones that do, bring you a lifetime of love, and the ones that don't get your love for their lifetime.
Definitely stick around nice to talk to people who understandi really needed to hear your words thank you. Things usually affect me most at night and I’ve just been laying here in tears. I know it might seem odd to someone that hasn’t been through it, but God I really wanted him to live. They’re such little miracles. I hope he gets another chance. I don’t get this world.
He wouldn’t eat but she still kept him warm up until his last breath. I think that says a lot about her. We let them say goodbye and dad kept trying to get him to open his beak. Mom must have already known because she just looked at him. We buried him outside and my husband buried him with a Nutriberry because he said just in case it would help him with what comes next.
We both love our birds so much. Our days revolve around them and our son. It might seem nuts to outsiders but I know you guys get it. I’m just gonna focus on giving them the best life. Thank you all so much. I’ll stick around to learn even more from you all.
It's not odd at all. We've all been there in one way or another. It's either a chick we fight hard for or a lifelong companion we hate to let go of. I remind myself that tears are the price we pay for joy. If I ever find myself without tears, then my heart has gone cold, and that's not someone I want to be.i really needed to hear your words thank you. Things usually affect me most at night and I’ve just been laying here in tears. I know it might seem odd to someone that hasn’t been through it, but God I really wanted him to live. They’re such little miracles. I hope he gets another chance. I don’t get this world.
He wouldn’t eat but she still kept him warm up until his last breath. I think that says a lot about her. We let them say goodbye and dad kept trying to get him to open his beak. Mom must have already known because she just looked at him. We buried him outside and my husband buried him with a Nutriberry because he said just in case it would help him with what comes next.
We both love our birds so much. Our days revolve around them and our son. It might seem nuts to outsiders but I know you guys get it. I’m just gonna focus on giving them the best life. Thank you all so much. I’ll stick around to learn even more from you all.