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My Lovebird is terrified of fruit and veg.


Checking out the neighborhood
Hi I have a lovebird named birbie and have had her since august. She is a great little bird but I worry about her since she will only eat seed. Any time i give her fruit or veg whether it is chopped or mooshed or just as it comes she is terrified of it. I have tried mixing it with seed or putting it in her normal bowl or just handing it to her and she will scream everytime she realizes it is there and fly away. I just want to give her the best health possible any feedback is welcomed! :pflb:



Meeting neighbors
Have you tried eating the veggies in front of her? My lovey used get scared of veggies (she still does with some). So I try to eat while she's looking at me, she'll get curious and come to bite the veggie from my mouth, this is how I get her to taste them and eventually I managed to make her eat carrots, cooked sweet potatoes and broccolis. Still trying other veggies but it take a lot of patience.

And your lovebird is so cute :swoon:


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Since august isn´t too long a time. Just keep going with patience and perseverence.

Try different offerings, so different vegetables, finely chopped, larger chunks, mash, cold, warmed up, put on a skewer (bird ones that hang and don´t have a oint on the end), I like to put a pinch of seed on top of veggies when first getting them into them. Later I stop and use quinoa, sesame seeds or smashed almond.

Try to offer consistently every morning. Just a small amount each time as to not waste an excessive amount of food.


Strolling the yard
North Carolina
Real Name
Hi I have a lovebird named birbie and have had her since august. She is a great little bird but I worry about her since she will only eat seed. Any time i give her fruit or veg whether it is chopped or mooshed or just as it comes she is terrified of it. I have tried mixing it with seed or putting it in her normal bowl or just handing it to her and she will scream everytime she realizes it is there and fly away. I just want to give her the best health possible any feedback is welcomed! :pflb:

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Slowly introduce it to your baby, you eat it so she can see that it isn’t a threat and introduce her to it slowly and in many different ways. When I did this, I monitored it in a journal.
Does she eat pellets?

_Lara _

Meeting neighbors
Hi I have a lovebird named birbie and have had her since august. She is a great little bird but I worry about her since she will only eat seed. Any time i give her fruit or veg whether it is chopped or mooshed or just as it comes she is terrified of it. I have tried mixing it with seed or putting it in her normal bowl or just handing it to her and she will scream everytime she realizes it is there and fly away. I just want to give her the best health possible any feedback is welcomed! :pflb:

View attachment 398183
My birds had the same problem.. I overcame this by
1 Eating in front of them and soundiny excited about food. Most of the time if they were fed only seeds before they dont know that veggies are edible xD
2 after they succesfully touched the target stick giving them veggies. Because they are used to getting millet as a reward. Target=great food.
3. Iceverg salad. It has no nutritional value but helps them to see green stuff as food. They loved the cold salad on hot summer days, it was basicaly edible water! After that i gave them other green leaves like spinach.
4. Never giving up. Eben if they eat iceberg salad for a month and nothing else. Chop stuff up for them, cut them small, big, in heart shapes idk xD
Also usually birbs really like broccoli, carrots and figs so you can start with those! Just eat with you bird that helps very much ☺