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Moving to Los Angeles for real this time!


Meeting neighbors
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Hey all! I made a post about moving to Los Angeles a few months ago, but I wasn't sure when I'd go and I didn't have specific details. Now I do and I wanted to drop by and ask a few more questions!
Anyway, I'm moving to Burbank! If you live anywhere in Southern California or Cali in general, please feel free to answer any of my questions if you have answers or experience. :)
So! First of all:

Who's your avian vet? I've been looking at vets nearby, and there's definitely more board certified vets in Cali than there are here in SC, but I'm curious which vet you take your fids to.

What kind of air purifiers do you use?

What kind of water filter do you use for your tap, if any?

There's a heating unit in my apartment that's gas powered. I've requested to keep the gas off, but do I still need to worry about it?
Like should I invest in a carbon monoxide detector? I've only ever lived in homes with central heating and air and electric appliances, so I'm unsure if I still need to worry about gas even if it's turned off.

On the flip side, how do you keep your fids cool in the summer heat? There is one wall AC unit in the apartment, and it's not in my bird room... do you use portable AC units or just fans?

What do you use to keep your bird cages secure and safe for earthquakes?

I asked some of these questions in my last post, but I just wanted to ask them again just in case anyone else has something to add. Thank you in advance for your advice and help! :gcc1:


Ripping up the road
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Congrats on your move. My best friend used to live in Burbank. I loved going to visit her there.


California Bird Nerds
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Palmdale, California
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Hey all! I made a post about moving to Los Angeles a few months ago, but I wasn't sure when I'd go and I didn't have specific details. Now I do and I wanted to drop by and ask a few more questions!
Anyway, I'm moving to Burbank! If you live anywhere in Southern California or Cali in general, please feel free to answer any of my questions if you have answers or experience. :)
So! First of all:

Who's your avian vet? I've been looking at vets nearby, and there's definitely more board certified vets in Cali than there are here in SC, but I'm curious which vet you take your fids to.

What kind of air purifiers do you use?

What kind of water filter do you use for your tap, if any?

There's a heating unit in my apartment that's gas powered. I've requested to keep the gas off, but do I still need to worry about it?
Like should I invest in a carbon monoxide detector? I've only ever lived in homes with central heating and air and electric appliances, so I'm unsure if I still need to worry about gas even if it's turned off.

On the flip side, how do you keep your fids cool in the summer heat? There is one wall AC unit in the apartment, and it's not in my bird room... do you use portable AC units or just fans?

What do you use to keep your bird cages secure and safe for earthquakes?

I asked some of these questions in my last post, but I just wanted to ask them again just in case anyone else has something to add. Thank you in advance for your advice and help! :gcc1:
I live in Southern California. You may need the gas on as most places use gas to heat the home, for cooking and your water heater. It can also get chilly at times in the winter. In the winter it can get into the 40's at night and even colder with a cold snap. As for the Avian Vets I am about 45minutes or more depending on traffic from Burbank so I am sure you can find one closer. My sister uses Dr. McEwan in Palmdale.


Meeting neighbors
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Congrats on your move. My best friend used to live in Burbank. I loved going to visit her there.
Thank you so much!! I'm super excited about it. :) Last time I visited it reminded me a lot of home, it's a nice little town.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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One wall AC unit in an apartment is likely to be taxed on the 95 & above heatwaves. It can run 100 every day for weeks at a time even through September. We just had a few over 90's in November.
Have to be a large unit but I don't suppose it will be of any danger to you or your bird but those other places away from it
may be 85 in hotspots especially near sunny windows.

I have central AC but its an old unit. Electric is not cheap anywhere & running an AC can really use the juice so I keep mine at 78 which still feels tepid so I use a fan just to feel more comfortable.

A heater is not as imperative as it gets chilly only in the nights but you'll want something as it can get 40 & sometimes lower.
I also try to heat minimally in the winter which is only really needed at night as most winter days are above 55 & many in 60's.
December is still warm but you can expect the worst January & February maybe March then it warms up again in April.

As far as I know carbon monoxide detectors are mandatory in apartments now by regulation code if they contain any fuel burning appliance. Burbank is a bit weird though as they have their own city codes & perhaps some different regulations but I would not think they can overrule something such as a los angeles safety ruling. Even if you are renting from a condo owner etc the apartment has to meet safety code.

I suppose worse come to worse spend the $20 & install a CO monitor.

Burbank seems to have gas heaters but mine is electric. I do have gas for the stove so can't cook wihtout gas.

Have not had a earthquake that has moved a bird cage luckily in the last 20 plus years but earthquakes are going to be a part of life & eventually there could be a bad one on your area & damage.

Hot water heaters should be braced & there are regulations for that but I don't think its going to be that practical or necessary to brace a cage to a wall. I guess the best you could do is to be sure that nothing tall, large or heavy is near the cage so it does not fall on the cage.
Same thing with mirrors or heavy objects above or near the bed which could fall on you.

I use tap water for the birds & have not had a problem. We get a annual report on water & it seems to be safe. I suppose the chlorine could be brought down by filling a 5 gallon bottle with tap water & letting it sit as chlorine will gas off. I used to do it but carrying the bottle is very heavy. I still have one of those stands & a crock that can hold the water. Not a bad idea to have some water available in case of emergency.

Vets are hit & miss some are not even accepting new patients even for routine visits & emergency is almost non existent. I don't feel qualified to comment any further on vets. Looking myself & its been challenging.

Theres always VCA in Santa Monica. Has avian vets & emergency or at least did but its hard to get to by public transport for me.

Any good hepa filter is better than nothing. There are all kinds depending upon what you can spend. Just keep in mind the longevity & cost of filters for the unit your buy.

If the gas is turned off the gas co will usually test the equipment for leaks when they turn it on.
They are pretty careful & responsive. Get your heat set up, tested & get a CO monitor if the landlord won't but I'd be concerned about living in any apt that neglects safety that much to save $15 on a monitor.

Good Luck


Meeting neighbors
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I live in Southern California. You may need the gas on as most places use gas to heat the home, for cooking and your water heater. It can also get chilly at times in the winter. In the winter it can get into the 40's at night and even colder with a cold snap. As for the Avian Vets I am about 45minutes or more depending on traffic from Burbank so I am sure you can find one closer. My sister uses Dr. McEwan in Palmdale.
Hi!! Thanks for your input. One of the reasons I picked this apartment in particular is because it has an electric stove, so I'm not sure if there are any other appliances in the unit that uses gas... I've heard that it can get very cold at night, yeah. If you don't mind me asking, do you use a space heater?
And awesome, I'll definitely look up Dr. McEwain! Thanks again for your time. :)


Meeting neighbors
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One wall AC unit in an apartment is likely to be taxed on the 95 & above heatwaves. It can run 100 every day for weeks at a time even through September. We just had a few over 90's in November.
Have to be a large unit but I don't suppose it will be of any danger to you or your bird but those other places away from it
may be 85 in hotspots especially near sunny windows.

I have central AC but its an old unit. Electric is not cheap anywhere & running an AC can really use the juice so I keep mine at 78 which still feels tepid so I use a fan just to feel more comfortable.

A heater is not as imperative as it gets chilly only in the nights but you'll want something as it can get 40 & sometimes lower.
I also try to heat minimally in the winter which is only really needed at night as most winter days are above 55 & many in 60's.
December is still warm but you can expect the worst January & February maybe March then it warms up again in April.

As far as I know carbon monoxide detectors are mandatory in apartments now by regulation code if they contain any fuel burning appliance. Burbank is a bit weird though as they have their own city codes & perhaps some different regulations but I would not think they can overrule something such as a los angeles safety ruling. Even if you are renting from a condo owner etc the apartment has to meet safety code.

I suppose worse come to worse spend the $20 & install a CO monitor.

Burbank seems to have gas heaters but mine is electric. I do have gas for the stove so can't cook wihtout gas.

Have not had a earthquake that has moved a bird cage luckily in the last 20 plus years but earthquakes are going to be a part of life & eventually there could be a bad one on your area & damage.

Hot water heaters should be braced & there are regulations for that but I don't think its going to be that practical or necessary to brace a cage to a wall. I guess the best you could do is to be sure that nothing tall, large or heavy is near the cage so it does not fall on the cage.
Same thing with mirrors or heavy objects above or near the bed which could fall on you.

I use tap water for the birds & have not had a problem. We get a annual report on water & it seems to be safe. I suppose the chlorine could be brought down by filling a 5 gallon bottle with tap water & letting it sit as chlorine will gas off. I used to do it but carrying the bottle is very heavy. I still have one of those stands & a crock that can hold the water. Not a bad idea to have some water available in case of emergency.

Vets are hit & miss some are not even accepting new patients even for routine visits & emergency is almost non existent. I don't feel qualified to comment any further on vets. Looking myself & its been challenging.

Theres always VCA in Santa Monica. Has avian vets & emergency or at least did but its hard to get to by public transport for me.

Any good hepa filter is better than nothing. There are all kinds depending upon what you can spend. Just keep in mind the longevity & cost of filters for the unit your buy.

If the gas is turned off the gas co will usually test the equipment for leaks when they turn it on.
They are pretty careful & responsive. Get your heat set up, tested & get a CO monitor if the landlord won't but I'd be concerned about living in any apt that neglects safety that much to save $15 on a monitor.

Good Luck
Hey thanks so much for all of your advice!! I'll definitely bring up some of these points with my landlord. Safety for my birds is one of my top priorities so it means a lot to me that you'd take the time to write to me. :) Thanks again!!


California Bird Nerds
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Palmdale, California
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Hi!! Thanks for your input. One of the reasons I picked this apartment in particular is because it has an electric stove, so I'm not sure if there are any other appliances in the unit that uses gas... I've heard that it can get very cold at night, yeah. If you don't mind me asking, do you use a space heater?
And awesome, I'll definitely look up Dr. McEwain! Thanks again for your time. :)
I do not use a space heater. I use a regular heater. I currently dont own birds but have used a regular heater when I owned birds.