Cruising the avenue
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
These little guys are just the best! We were down to one a little over a year ago and I found a breeder in the Madison area. We were going to get a baby who was still weaning but I was so nervous that our remaining Linnie wouldn’t make it, so he sold us a retired breeder. They bonded immediately but we lost him in December and we were down to one again. I called the breeder near me again and we got another breeder who had shared an aviary with the first one we got. I jumped at it and now we have Levi the Second and Lilly who are about the same age. They are so much happier with. A Lonnie buddy. I belong to two Linnie FB groups and people do rehome from time to time, so I’ll keep my eyes open for you. I can ask Vaughan if he knows of anyone in your area or closer to you that might have anything available.