As I anticipated, had a small spat today in the living room. Emma was being adventurous, but keeping close by (doing laps around my head near the cage). Well Charlie finally built up enough courage and charged full steam ahead out of the cage and around the corner. Emma of course decided to follow. I wasn't too worried about Emma. I felt confident I could get her back to the playstand, but I have not had luck with Charlie yet so I was gearing up for a little bit of a chase. I didn't want to chase too much though (predator/prey). The problem today was their bond. Charlie was scared on the other side of the room and Emma at first did not want to leave him (awww). I did finally get her back to the playstand at which point she finally decided to stay put and just call for Charlie. I wasn't able to really get Charlie on my finger or in the food bowl for "bird transportation" back to cage as I have done in the past with Emma. I think he was just too scared. Instead, I just encouraged him back in the direction of his home and let Emma call for him.
In the end it worked out. Had a few terror poops to clean up though which brings me to a question I was thinking about last night. For anyone out there that free flights their finches indoors, what have you done to control the poop problem? I feel like I have seen people in the past use baskets with handles and other perching places as landing spots for them to poop at. It seems they generaly only poop when not flying. So all I would really have to do is train them to fly between certain designated spots/perches. At least that is my thought process. Any suggestions?
Thanks again for following along with my progress!
In the end it worked out. Had a few terror poops to clean up though which brings me to a question I was thinking about last night. For anyone out there that free flights their finches indoors, what have you done to control the poop problem? I feel like I have seen people in the past use baskets with handles and other perching places as landing spots for them to poop at. It seems they generaly only poop when not flying. So all I would really have to do is train them to fly between certain designated spots/perches. At least that is my thought process. Any suggestions?
Thanks again for following along with my progress!