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Lil Piko


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Can anyone help me. This is Piko, she is almost 2 yrs old. She has been unhappy & screaming for almost 8 days now. I’ve tried everything to calm her. We have a male (her mate but not in same cage) but in the house which she has had a clutch w in the past. I thought it might be her trying to lay again and those type hormones. She was grooming after getting her shower and I see baldness on her. Those little pin/fluffs have always been there but they covered that area in photo. She’s never had complete bare skin like this. Can anyone help me understand if this is a concern. She does have days every now n then that she just wants to stay on my shoulder, n seems clingy but this is not one of those tantrums.
quick family insight. Lola was first male cockatiel and bird we had adopted. He’s Going on 3 yrs now. Piko is second to family, thought she was a he story lol. We separated them 5 months ago after her and Lola (the Male) laid a clutch (3 times) and wouldn’t stop laying. So the first clutch did have one successful chick & we now have 3 cockatiels-baby was a female as far as we can tell. All are in there own cage in different rooms of house. We let them play together during the day, but they take naps in respective cages throughout the day and all night. I’ve thought she might need longer shifts in cage in case she was trying to lay a clutch but then noticed her baldness on both sides. It’s just starting to stay cold here (Alabama) so it’s not like it spring temps.


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I would take her to a vet to rule out any health issues. Cockatiels don't typically pluck for emotional reasons, unlike a lot of other parrot species. Also, how is the humidity in your house? Dryness can alco cause itchy skin and plucking but I would still take her to a vet to make sure it's not health-related.


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I would take her to a vet to rule out any health issues. Cockatiels don't typically pluck for emotional reasons, unlike a lot of other parrot species. Also, how is the humidity in your house? Dryness can alco cause itchy skin and plucking but I would still take her to a vet to make sure it's not health-related.
Thank you for your advice and this will be my next move- I have to find one as we moved here recently. She was not plucking those feathers, I have not ever seen her pluck either. That area has always had the thick short pins w super furry down coming out but after her last molt (about 3-4 weeks ago)this is all that came back. Her weight went up by 4g and we thought she might of had an egg coming. I didn’t look at humidity, but we have had to run heat. It’s gas furnace which is new to us, used electric in other house. Weather is cold 2 days then back to air conditioning. We all having issues w weather. Maybe it’s that ?

Tiel Feathers

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I doubt it’s just the weather, it seems like more of a health issue, especially if she has been screaming. I would take her to the vet right away, she sounds very uncomfortable. I hope she feels better soon!