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Jardine Questions


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Hello all!

I’ve owned a blue and gold macaw, budgies and cockatiels growing up but this is the first time I’ve ever owned a Jardine parrot. He’s still a baby so he only has green and black feathers. I’m wondering for those of you who also own a Jardine, when did you start seeing their orange feathers develop? Mine already has some under both wings and on his “shoulders” haha

also, does anyone else’s Jardine just love to chew everything? And any recommendations for that haha


Rollerblading along the road
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@Mizzely's Ripley is quite the buzzsaw! I believe she gets toys from Seriously Nutz. They do a toy box subscription that can be tailored to your bird's preferences, and will keep you well supplied :)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Ripley spends 90% of his day chewing lol. I make some toys for him, get some from Seriously Nutz, and then also just get cheap scrap untreated pine from Home Depot and let him have it! He also loves boxes.

I got him at 19 so I wasn't there for the change. My understanding though is that they can start getting it as soon as 2 years and may not be finished until as late as 6 years! Generally though 3 to 4 years old as that is when they are become sexually mature.

Ripley is a male Lesser Jardine's hatched in 1999 :)



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Ripley spends 90% of his day chewing lol. I make some toys for him, get some from Seriously Nutz, and then also just get cheap scrap untreated pine from Home Depot and let him have it! He also loves boxes.

I got him at 19 so I wasn't there for the change. My understanding though is that they can start getting it as soon as 2 years and may not be finished until as late as 6 years! Generally though 3 to 4 years old as that is when they are become sexually mature.

Ripley is a male Lesser Jardine's hatched in 1999 :)

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Ripely is so handsome! I never would have thought to go to Home Depot to get some scrap pine. Thank you for that amazing idea! Loki won’t touch cardboard for some reason. He won’t touch any natural wood that has the darker coloured bark either. We have no clue why and he’s been like that since we brought him home from the breeder in March. We think maybe he had a traumatic experience with the breeder but not entirely sure. I’ve been trying to introduce it every now and then. I’ve been making his toys myself too. He goes through them so fast, it’s the more money wise option for me haha is Ripley fairly cuddly? Loki will have his moments when he’s tired where he likes to rub his face on ours and we love it and hope he keeps that long after his baby years 5B7C488F-8116-47BE-873F-F68770F6F025.jpeg 27B81D2C-ABA3-42A0-9E14-DBE503140700.jpeg 209E3A0D-23CA-4092-82A3-4A58F6C54B54.jpeg A0983BD0-3B00-411C-8F50-D67BBC917EC2.jpeg


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Ripley is not super cuddly. He wants me to pet him for about 5 minutes a day and then he wants to forage for food, and then he wants to chew chew chew! He primarily wants cardboard when he is hormonal, so your kiddo may still like it eventually ;)

Birds are naturally neophobic, so new things can take time to introduce to them even if there is no trauma involved.

Yeah if they don't have it front and center, ask for their cull cart. At my store it's 70% off! If they don't have anything that looks good there, I go for the 2x2 furring strips because they are about $4 for 8 feet of pine


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Ripley is not super cuddly. He wants me to pet him for about 5 minutes a day and then he wants to forage for food, and then he wants to chew chew chew! He primarily wants cardboard when he is hormonal, so your kiddo may still like it eventually ;)

Birds are naturally neophobic, so new things can take time to introduce to them even if there is no trauma involved.

Yeah if they don't have it front and center, ask for their cull cart. At my store it's 70% off! If they don't have anything that looks good there, I go for the 2x2 furring strips because they are about $4 for 8 feet of pine
I sometimes have to remind myself that birds have complex emotions at times, just like people, and their behaviours may change sometimes. Hopefully he likes cardboard one day hahaha

he seems to really love anything new that’s super colourful but anything that contains cardboard he wants nothing to do with. Lol it’s trial and error though

that’s such an awesome tip! Thanks again! Definitely doing that!


Rollerblading along the road
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Congrats on your Jardine's baby! I have an 8 y.o. Jardine's named Teak. She got her orange head feathers when she was around 1, soon after her first molt.
My Jardine's is super cuddly. She LOVES to hang out on my shoulder, to the point where I sometimes forget she's even there. She's super tuned in to our routines, and will start calling out when she knows it's her time to come out. She says quite a few words, too in her little Jardine's voice.

Mine isn't that in to chewing things up. I actually wish she did because there are times when her lower beak grows a bit wonky. Whenever it does, that's the only time she'll start chewing on her bowl or toys as she works to grind down or break off that thin
overgrown piece. Whenever I think it's time to take her in for a corrective beak trim she goes ahead and takes care of it herself!

You are going to LOVE having a Jardine's. Congrats again!


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Congrats on your Jardine's baby! I have an 8 y.o. Jardine's named Teak. She got her orange head feathers when she was around 1, soon after her first molt.
My Jardine's is super cuddly. She LOVES to hang out on my shoulder, to the point where I sometimes forget she's even there. She's super tuned in to our routines, and will start calling out when she knows it's her time to come out. She says quite a few words, too in her little Jardine's voice.

Mine isn't that in to chewing things up. I actually wish she did because there are times when her lower beak grows a bit wonky. Whenever it does, that's the only time she'll start chewing on her bowl or toys as she works to grind down or break off that thin
overgrown piece. Whenever I think it's time to take her in for a corrective beak trim she goes ahead and takes care of it herself!

You are going to LOVE having a Jardine's. Congrats again!
Do you have a picture of your Jardine? I’m absolutely loving have mine! I’m a little worried about him getting super nippy when he goes through puberty though.


Rollerblading along the road
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He may or may not get that way. Teak never did. Her temperament has always been pretty consistent.

I'll have to look through my files to see if I can find a pic of her.


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@Mizzely just curious what diet you have Ripley on? When we brought Loki home from the breeder, he told us to keep using the same regiment he was giving to Loki and I’m not sure if I should change it up or try something new for him.
He’s currently on Hagen Tropican High Performance Formula pellets (which he doesn’t eat a lot of. It’s always available in his cage for him) and he has a seed mix that I give him. Along with some veggies and sometimes fruit from time to time. He gets walnuts as a special treat and I usually stuff pieces for him to forage in his toys.
I know some people feed their parrots chop and I’ve considered going that route but wanted to hear other Jardine owners experiences. Sometimes Loki can be picky and he’ll love and obsess over something one day and then have zero interest in it the next day.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
@Mizzely just curious what diet you have Ripley on? When we brought Loki home from the breeder, he told us to keep using the same regiment he was giving to Loki and I’m not sure if I should change it up or try something new for him.
He’s currently on Hagen Tropican High Performance Formula pellets (which he doesn’t eat a lot of. It’s always available in his cage for him) and he has a seed mix that I give him. Along with some veggies and sometimes fruit from time to time. He gets walnuts as a special treat and I usually stuff pieces for him to forage in his toys.
I know some people feed their parrots chop and I’ve considered going that route but wanted to hear other Jardine owners experiences. Sometimes Loki can be picky and he’ll love and obsess over something one day and then have zero interest in it the next day.
I feed Zupreem Fruity because he won't eat anything else pellet wise. (Hagen Tropican would be one of my first choices) When I got him, he was severely malnourished from being on an all seed diet for the first 19 years, and it's been very hard to get him to eat other foods. So pellets were essential for him to prevent him from literally dying.

So he gets Zupreem Fruity, veggies, and an almond or two a day. I do not feed seeds at all.

He won't eat chop either, so I offer large chunks of veggies. This was yesterday's breakfast:



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I feed Zupreem Fruity because he won't eat anything else pellet wise. (Hagen Tropican would be one of my first choices) When I got him, he was severely malnourished from being on an all seed diet for the first 19 years, and it's been very hard to get him to eat other foods. So pellets were essential for him to prevent him from literally dying.

So he gets Zupreem Fruity, veggies, and an almond or two a day. I do not feed seeds at all.

He won't eat chop either, so I offer large chunks of veggies. This was yesterday's breakfast:

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Poor guy. He’s very lucky to have found his way into your care and be taken care of so well!
I’ve noticed with Loki he’s not really interested in veggies if they’re cut up tiny and I’ve tried giving him stuff at larger chunks and he likes it a lot better. He LOVES sugar snap peas and will chirp at me in the morning if I take too long getting him his morning sugar snap peas haha

sometimes I worry about him having too much seed and I’ll have to remove his seed dish from his cage to encourage him to eat his pellets more (while still giving him fresh veggies throughout the day) and it works.
Do you ever notice some foods make Ripley “hyper”? I feel Loki sometimes gets crazy energy when he has certain things and then he’s fine when I limit those foods (unshelled sunflower seeds are one of those things lol)


Rollerblading along the road
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Since he's very young, now is the perfect time to get him on a whole raw diet consisting of a wide variety of veggies, sprouts, grains and some fruit. As they become older they are more likely to become pickier when trying new things.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Honestly most parrots do not need seeds, so I don't see a value in offering them anymore. I try to encourage foraging instead of free feeding, so that's the only time I used to give seed.

I haven't noticed any hyperactive behavior after any specific foods.


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I know Jardines need more of certain things than other birds but I’m not entirely sure what those things are. I don’t want to cause malnourishment. What sort of things should I be making sure he has lots of on a daily basis? Are there any information sites you recommend I can go to as a reference too?


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Vitamin A and calcium are the only things I've heard they potentially need more of. Feeding dark leafy greens and orange foods, almonds, and pellets should cover all those bases.


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Vitamin A and calcium are the only things I've heard they potentially need more of. Feeding dark leafy greens and orange foods, almonds, and pellets should cover all those bases.
When you give Ripley his veggies, are they all raw or are some of them slightly cooked? I’m committed now to changing Loki’s diet to a more veggie and pellet based one with a bit of nuts. The breeder told me to keep him on the same seed and pellet diet he had him on but he also admitted that seed is like “junk food” for birds. So I’d rather change his diet now like @Nikomania said, it’s easier to change it when they’re babies than when they’re adults.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
When you give Ripley his veggies, are they all raw or are some of them slightly cooked? I’m committed now to changing Loki’s diet to a more veggie and pellet based one with a bit of nuts. The breeder told me to keep him on the same seed and pellet diet he had him on but he also admitted that seed is like “junk food” for birds. So I’d rather change his diet now like @Nikomania said, it’s easier to change it when they’re babies than when they’re adults.
I lightly cook orange veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots because it is easier to absorb the beta carotene, and steam dark leafy greens because they contain oxalic acid that is broken down by heat and allows calcium to be absorbed. Everything else is raw :)