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Frankie and Dolly


Biking along the boulevard
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Sounds like you did the right thing, they are so tough yet fragile at the same time so got to be careful :xflove:


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Sounds like you did the right thing, they are so tough yet fragile at the same time so got to be careful :xflove:
So true. She acts tough at times, like when Frankie and her are having a screaming match and all, but she's very fragile. I sometimes look at her and can't believe that even with what she had endured at her previous home, she still opened herself to put her trust and love into us.
I love her so much :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Biking along the boulevard
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How's Miss Dolly?
She's good, thank you. She's on her egg constantly unless she's hungry or thirsty lol.
She still comes out for suggles with both of us and she takes about an hour break a day for our dance party and her grooming session I give her. She's very content and so quiet. In a good way lol


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Quick update:
Miss Dolly is still on her (dummy) egg, so I am getting to spend time with Frankie during the day more without her being jealous...or so I thought.
Frankie was on my shoulder yesterday, and Miss Dolly knew right away, even though Frankie and I were in the kitchen trying to be quiet. Well, of course, she started fussing, so I came partially into the living room. She saw Frankie, they both said "hello" to each other, then she started running back and forth on her chair and running into her play hut.
Frankie was watching her and I made a game of it. She would stick her head out and I would say "peekaboo", then she'd run back in. After a few times, Frankie chimed in with "peekaboo", then laughed. I was shocked, to say the least. I couldn't stop laughing, and he did it again.
Hubby plays peekaboo with Frankie alot but Frankie hadn't said it since we were in Canada.
He's warming up to hubby again which is a good thing. He gives Frankie his treats everyday, so they interact, but he still won't let Frankie on him for fear of being bit.


Strolling the yard
Thank you all. I'm at my wits end. She is determined she is going to attack hubby.
I don't know what brought this on so suddenly. She has always been happy and content with both of us.
Now if we're on the couch, she will run off me to him and try to bite.
@Davi , thanks for that suggestion. They have always got on with hubby singing la la and her dancing on his arm, and giving him big wings on request. The new game she has started seems to be her version of tag. She will chase hubby around the living room.
This morning, she was on her cage platform, calm, and he was in front of her making kissy sounds, which he always does. Well, she flew at him. Just missed his face. I put her in her cage, but she screamed like a looney tune until I sat near her.
Hubby is threatening me now it's him or her.
I am devastated and wish things could go back to normal. I don't know what to do.
This has all happened this past week. I've told hubby to just ignore her and let her come around on "her" terms, but he's paranoid of her biting him now, which I can't really blame him...
Sorry your going through all of this. Its got to be extremely fustrating. I would make sure that from now on Hubby is the only one that ever gives her a treat or feeds her. I would not allow her to chase him..even if its a game of tag. Im sorry i dont have more advice. Dolly must see you as her mate. In the wild they develop very strong bonds so in her eyes she is doing what comes natural. I dont have macaws so hopefully someone will chime in with more advice.


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Sorry your going through all of this. Its got to be extremely fustrating. I would make sure that from now on Hubby is the only one that ever gives her a treat or feeds her. I would not allow her to chase him..even if its a game of tag. Im sorry i dont have more advice. Dolly must see you as her mate. In the wild they develop very strong bonds so in her eyes she is doing what comes natural. I dont have macaws so hopefully someone will chime in with more advice.
Oh thanks. Ummm that changed dramatically through the post, in case you didn't see.
My macaw is the one that I let my hubby give treats to.
The first time my cockatoo laid an egg, it was right beside my hubby. She had never showed preference to either one of us. She loves us both. However, there was about a week and a half to 2 weeks where she didn't want hubby near me or herself. That was the issue, but it soon fixed itself, as I posted. Thank you for your feedback though :)


Cruising the avenue
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I hope you Frankie and dolly are ok and she’s behaving


Biking along the boulevard
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Quick update...
Frankie went in for his nail trim yesterday, so, of course he got his favorite treats when we got home for being such a good boy. Pistachios and pine nuts and walnuts and pecan nuts and almonds all in shell. He didn't even fuss until his vet was bringing him out the back of the clinic. No screaming at all. I'm so proud of him.
He couldn't wait to get home so he could sit and give hubby and I the stink eye for a couple of hours. He looks so cute when he does it though. I just went over and ruffled his head then he was all good again.
Miss Dolly went MIA a couple of days ago.
She is sitting on one but she's not leaving her hut much, so I will have to check tomorrow to see if there's another one. Time to swap them out...


Biking along the boulevard
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I bought hubby new work clothes for Xmas, and last week he started wearing a specific type of pants.

So now, when he comes home, he literally has to run through the kitchen to the living room to take them off, before Frankie goes into full blown attack mode.
He absolutely HATES the orange color on them.
The first day he sat in the kitchen with them on, he had to put his legs up on the chair, and Frankie was trying to jump up to grab them. When that didn't work, he tried to climb up the leg of the chair but kept sliding down.
Meanwhile, I had a screaming lunatic (hubby) freaking out Frankie was going to get him.
So, of course while trying not to pee myself laughing, I got Frankie to the back of the kitchen so hubby could escape.
Hubby got trained real quick and doesn't linger in the kitchen until he's iin "safe" attire.


Cruising the avenue
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I bought hubby new work clothes for Xmas, and last week he started wearing a specific type of pants.
View attachment 457553

So now, when he comes home, he literally has to run through the kitchen to the living room to take them off, before Frankie goes into full blown attack mode.
He absolutely HATES the orange color on them.
The first day he sat in the kitchen with them on, he had to put his legs up on the chair, and Frankie was trying to jump up to grab them. When that didn't work, he tried to climb up the leg of the chair but kept sliding down.
Meanwhile, I had a screaming lunatic (hubby) freaking out Frankie was going to get him.
So, of course while trying not to pee myself laughing, I got Frankie to the back of the kitchen so hubby could escape.
Hubby got trained real quick and doesn't linger in the kitchen until he's iin "safe" attire.
Oh Frankie :rofl: You do make me chuckle to be fair I agree work trousers aren’t the nicest :lol:

how’s little dolly

you ok


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Oh Frankie :rofl: You do make me chuckle to be fair I agree work trousers aren’t the nicest :lol:

how’s little dolly

you ok
She's good thank you. Egg days are over. (thank god). She's just had a good mist and is sitting contentedly getting dry. I have a heater right by her stand. She's busy eating her pine nut treats and veggies.
I am okay. I have a chest infection and a horrible cold right now, but all in all, okay.


Cruising the avenue
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She's good thank you. Egg days are over. (thank god). She's just had a good mist and is sitting contentedly getting dry. I have a heater right by her stand. She's busy eating her pine nut treats and veggies.
I am okay. I have a chest infection and a horrible cold right now, but all in all, okay.
Glad the egg days are over I don’t know how you do it
Oh no sorry your telling unwell I have a migraine feel shocking hubby getting iris from school and dance etc I might go back to sleep see if that takes it off tablets Vicks and bath haven’t helped


Rollerblading along the road
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I bought hubby new work clothes for Xmas, and last week he started wearing a specific type of pants.
View attachment 457553

So now, when he comes home, he literally has to run through the kitchen to the living room to take them off, before Frankie goes into full blown attack mode.
He absolutely HATES the orange color on them.
The first day he sat in the kitchen with them on, he had to put his legs up on the chair, and Frankie was trying to jump up to grab them. When that didn't work, he tried to climb up the leg of the chair but kept sliding down.
Meanwhile, I had a screaming lunatic (hubby) freaking out Frankie was going to get him.
So, of course while trying not to pee myself laughing, I got Frankie to the back of the kitchen so hubby could escape.
Hubby got trained real quick and doesn't linger in the kitchen until he's iin "safe" attire.
Sorry I couldn't help but laughing out loud. Frankie is a real terror!!


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
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Wales, United Kingdom
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Glad the egg days are over I don’t know how you do it
Oh no sorry your telling unwell I have a migraine feel shocking hubby getting iris from school and dance etc I might go back to sleep see if that takes it off tablets Vicks and bath haven’t helped
Awww sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. Lots of rest and TLC from your hubby should help. :) xx