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Dog Poisoned by Essential Oils


Cruising the avenue
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Folks, I can't stress enough that you can't randomly use essential oils with pets around. Especially birds. Read, study, join the Animal EO group on FB. Order only quality, independently tested oils (Young LIving, Doterra, Animal EO). And make it your responsibility to know which oils can be used around which pets.... case in point......



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Or don't use them at all. :)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
I agree with you except (I think we have discussed this before) I will never, ever use Young Living oils!


Cruising the avenue
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I agree with you except (I think we have discussed this before) I will never, ever use Young Living oils!
I do remember your stand on it, but I can't remember why?

I use Doterra, and I'm using Dr. Shelton's Animal EOs for my poor dog, who has chronic skin issues (really gross yeasty stuff). I feel okay using those even though -- they contain melaleuca, which I'd NEVER use on a dog normally. But this is very diluted with water, and so far it's helping! So I'm relaxing about it a little.
The dog, Cricket, has had this for almost 2 years now. The typical veterinary care is prednisone + an antibiotic, we get it almost gone and it cycles back on us again. We feed frightfully expensive food in case it's an allergy. Her ears have been swollen for so long, I haven't seen them "normal" in ages. I bought an otoscope so I can check them myself. What I'm trying to say is this decision wasn't made lightly. I'm at my wit's end!


Cruising the avenue
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@JLcribber that is a great option, since a lot of people don't want to research and anyway a lot of what you read online is incorrect.

Oils can be placed on your palms or wrists for example and inhaled, they do not have to be diffused into the air. They can be made into dilutions that are rubbed into the skin. They can be put on a cotton ball under your pillow. There are ways to utilize their properties without endangering your pets.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
I do remember your stand on it, but I can't remember why?

I use Doterra, and I'm using Dr. Shelton's Animal EOs for my poor dog, who has chronic skin issues (really gross yeasty stuff). I feel okay using those even though -- they contain melaleuca, which I'd NEVER use on a dog normally. But this is very diluted with water, and so far it's helping! So I'm relaxing about it a little.
The dog, Cricket, has had this for almost 2 years now. The typical veterinary care is prednisone + an antibiotic, we get it almost gone and it cycles back on us again. We feed frightfully expensive food in case it's an allergy. Her ears have been swollen for so long, I haven't seen them "normal" in ages. I bought an otoscope so I can check them myself. What I'm trying to say is this decision wasn't made lightly. I'm at my wit's end!
Well I don't like Dr. Shelton either to be honest. As soon as she created her own line (I was in her group when she did) She suddenly decided to throw Young Living under the bus after saying they were the ONLY acceptable oil to use on animals. She suddenly said that she could no longer recommend them, and that only HER oils were good! She lost all credibility with me right then.

Young Living I think is a shady company. They try to convince people that they are the only pure essential oil on the market while giving terrible advice that can be extremely dangerous. If there oils are so pure, that does not mean that they are safe to use undiluted or to digest or to use on babies. If they are really pure, all of those things are things you DON'T want to do! Real essential oils are potent! They send out reps to be "experts" but they are just as much an expert on aromatherapy as a Pampered Chef rep is qualified to be on Iron Chef.

Any multilevel company like Young Living, doTerra, wants you to believe that they have to charge so much money because they are the best, when really they need to charge that because they have so many people that need a cut of the profits. Rep, upline, CEO, all need paid off one bottle. Can't really make a lot of money if you don't increase the cost exponentially!

This lady obviously has a bone to pick with young living but has some interesting information

I do occasionally use essential oils on myself, and on my son, but only after carefully researching Ingredients. With being pregnant, having a cat, a child under 10, a bird, and rats, my safe options are extremely limited at this point because what's safe for one isn't safe for another. Young Living doesn't tell you that.

I'll stick to oils that are transparent about their dangers, rather than selling me a product that is jacked up 4 times the cost and claiming it's "safe enough for a baby".


Cruising the avenue
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@Mizzely That's right! I remember now. Since I don't use YL I guess I let that information float on past. Thanks. Agree with your view of Multilevel Marketing. I have sold some in the past, I tend to do really well with them - Doterra and Pampered Chef. But honestly it's not my personality, nowadays they want you to spam your entire FB with 'ads' or private message everyone you know. That's just not me.

I think it is incredibly difficult to learn everything you need to know to use oils safely. You are clearly doing your own research, but the average person doesn't want to be bothered with it, or they don't comprehend just how dangerous oils can be, maybe? One thing nobody never told me (so now I preach it) is that they come "neat" or undiluted in the bottle and you MUST dilute them.

I think it was you that recommended Plant Therapy brand, I've been using them for awhile now. I still like Doterra for the fuller potency they seem to have, but I can use PT in most cases.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Yep, Plant Therapy is my go to. :) My friends get annoyed with me because I am also always preaching against using oils neat lol.

I agree it's so hard to know what is good information and what isn't. It makes it harder when a rep is personally speaking to you and making claims that sound amazing.

On a personal level, my grandmother was using Young Living for several months before she died because a rep told her it would cure her ailments, and she wouldn't listen to me about using any other oil even though she couldn't afford the YL. I felt they preyed on her, and her want to see her great grandbabies grow up to sell her products that not only weren't helping, but were overpriced and causing her to struggle financially. Now that's not directly the fault of Young Living, but they produced a rep that, regardless of their intentions, sold her into the hype.
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Rollerblading along the road
Montreal, Quebec
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DoTerra and Young Living are highly predatory MLMs that take advantage of women, especially young mothers. Essential oils are unregulated scams. Just don't give snake oil salesmen your money.


Biking along the boulevard
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Folks, I can't stress enough that you can't randomly use essential oils with pets around. Especially birds. Read, study, join the Animal EO group on FB. Order only quality, independently tested oils (Young LIving, Doterra, Animal EO). And make it your responsibility to know which oils can be used around which pets.... case in point......

What a good reminder. I am not the biggest fan of scents. I have trouble breathing around really strong scents so I choose not to use candles or essential oils. I am glad that the dog was ok. When I saw the title, I thought the worst.


Biking along the boulevard
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Frankenmuth, Michigan
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You know I oftened wondered about heated oils because you know those vap smoke pens that is causing a lot of lung problems on the news?? Well the principle is basically the same, its heated oils. Though the contents are probably different, the principle is the same. It's heated oils.
Makes you wonder what defused oils do to your lungs.
or worse yet to pets. Not taking that chance.


Biking along the boulevard
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Frankenmuth, Michigan
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What a good reminder. I am not the biggest fan of scents. I have trouble breathing around really strong scents so I choose not to use candles or essential oils. I am glad that the dog was ok. When I saw the title, I thought the worst.
The smell of pop corn does that to me. I can barely breath when there is pop corn cooking somewhere. I find it hard to go to a movie theater.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
You know I oftened wondered about heated oils because you know those vap smoke pens that is causing a lot of lung problems on the news?? Well the principle is basically the same, its heated oils. Though the contents are probably different, the principle is the same. It's heated oils.
Makes you wonder what defused oils do to your lungs.
or worse yet to pets. Not taking that chance.
Heating essential oils is not recommended. It changes the properties and can be harmful. Diffusers for EOs usually do not heat, they work much like a cool water humidifier.


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Frankenmuth, Michigan
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Heating essential oils is not recommended. It changes the properties and can be harmful. Diffusers for EOs usually do not heat, they work much like a cool water humidifier.
Miejers has the warm water humidifier ones, we have two, puts steam under oils, directions say you can add essential oils to top tray which is heated by the steam. We don't add oils to ours. Never will. But great for having proper humidity.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Miejers has the warm water humidifier ones, we have two, puts steam under oils, directions say you can add essential oils to top tray which is heated by the steam. We don't add oils to ours. Never will. But great for having proper humidity.
No, I don't add oils to the humidifier either. Most of the time the plastic and filters are not designed for that. I don't usually use a diffuser at all since I have such a wide range of critters here. I meant only that the water in a diffuser for oils does not heat oils :)


Cruising the avenue
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I do remember your stand on it, but I can't remember why?

I use Doterra, and I'm using Dr. Shelton's Animal EOs for my poor dog, who has chronic skin issues (really gross yeasty stuff). I feel okay using those even though -- they contain melaleuca, which I'd NEVER use on a dog normally. But this is very diluted with water, and so far it's helping! So I'm relaxing about it a little.
The dog, Cricket, has had this for almost 2 years now. The typical veterinary care is prednisone + an antibiotic, we get it almost gone and it cycles back on us again. We feed frightfully expensive food in case it's an allergy. Her ears have been swollen for so long, I haven't seen them "normal" in ages. I bought an otoscope so I can check them myself. What I'm trying to say is this decision wasn't made lightly. I'm at my wit's end!
Not sure what kind of dog you have. My sister inherited her daughter's Chinese crested 6-7 years ago. The poor guy has terrible skin issues too. My sister has done all types of testing for allergies, several different medications, I can't remember them all at the moment. His skin sheds big flakes and itches terribly.. he'll scratch his skin raw. My sis lives in Pensacola. I'm not sure what vet she uses but I could get her to give me some detailed information if you want.


Rollerblading along the road
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Heating essential oils is not recommended. It changes the properties and can be harmful. Diffusers for EOs usually do not heat, they work much like a cool water humidifier.
Is that really true? I believe that many EO’s are extracted by steam distillation, which is reasonably harsh and uses heat. If they can survive that, and I know they can, I fail to see why they can’t be heated.

That being said, I am with Garet on EO’s being (for the most part) little more than snake oil.

ETA: I should add that heating would be largely useless anyway since most terpene and other components of plant oils (these are largely what plant oils are made of) have high-ish boiling points and you probably wouldn’t be able volatilise a lot of it below 100oC.


Cruising the avenue
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Not sure what kind of dog you have. My sister inherited her daughter's Chinese crested 6-7 years ago. The poor guy has terrible skin issues too. My sister has done all types of testing for allergies, several different medications, I can't remember them all at the moment. His skin sheds big flakes and itches terribly.. he'll scratch his skin raw. My sis lives in Pensacola. I'm not sure what vet she uses but I could get her to give me some detailed information if you want.
Cocker spaniel. Notorious for these problems although her (high ranking AKC breeder) says her dogs don't have such a thing. Yes, anything that will help. Currently we're using Dynovite. I don't see a change.
Is that really true? I believe that many EO’s are extracted by steam distillation, which is reasonably harsh and uses heat. If they can survive that, and I know they can, I fail to see why they can’t be heated.

That being said, I am with Garet on EO’s being (for the most part) little more than snake oil.

ETA: I should add that heating would be largely useless anyway since most terpene and other components of plant oils (these are largely what plant oils are made of) have high-ish boiling points and you probably wouldn’t be able volatilise a lot of it below 100oC.
I think what she was saying is that's not how diffusers work - not that they cannot be heated.

I'm sorry you feel like they're snake oil, because they offer some really good benefits. Thing is, they have to be distilled correctly, pure, and then used for the appropriate thing. I made hubby a tincture for his bruises (he has thin skin and bruises easily). He was amazed that it worked. I could go on and on, that's just one example. It's a field that is hard to navigate, IMO -- and then the specialists are called aromatherapists, is that a name that would instill confidence and make you want to go see them for a remedy? :laugh:


Cruising the avenue
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Yep, Plant Therapy is my go to. :) My friends get annoyed with me because I am also always preaching against using oils neat lol.

I agree it's so hard to know what is good information and what isn't. It makes it harder when a rep is personally speaking to you and making claims that sound amazing.

On a personal level, my grandmother was using Young Living for several months before she died because a rep told her it would cure her ailments, and she wouldn't listen to me about using any other oil even though she couldn't afford the YL. I felt they preyed on her, and her want to see her great grandbabies grow up to sell her products that not only weren't helping, but were overpriced and causing her to struggle financially. Now that's not directly the fault of Young Living, but they produced a rep that, regardless of their intentions, sold her into the hype.
That's horrible! How unethical. I haven't seen many reps like that. Most of the ones I know are truly into it for the health benefits. I don't sell them (though I did briefly). I just use them. And make up little gifts for friends. I'm probably annoying too!