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DIY Depot


Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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I didn't see this anywhere else but I could be blind.

One of my favorite things about having pets is making them things! From knitting them sweaters to making toys and baking cookies.

One gets a bit tired of looking on pintrest... I know this one does lol!

So what are some fun toys or treats that you've made your feathered family? I would love to see some stuff and get ideas, recipes and special instructions on how you made them! I am sure others would as well!
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Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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Some people need patterns and instructions too :) I am knew at this bird toy thing and wouldnt know where to start by looking at toys personally lol that is a good idea for anyone who is better at this than I am though!


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Some people need patterns and instructions too :) I am knew at this bird toy thing and wouldnt know where to start by looking at toys personally lol that is a good idea for anyone who is better at this than I am though!

I didn't mean to copy the toys exactly lol. I meant like, "oh, I never thought to use XYZ like that!" Always gets me inspired!


Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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I origionally posted this for people to show off what they made and share how they made it or post theit bird's favorite recipies. Share with the people who dont have the money to buy store bought toys or special toys or the ones who are like me and want to get a bit crafty for their animals. :)


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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I origionally posted this for people to show off what they made and share how they made it or post theit bird's favorite recipies. Share with the people who dont have the money to buy store bought toys or special toys or the ones who are like me and want to get a bit crafty for their animals. :)

I wasn't asking anyone to buy anything, was just offering as a place for inspiration, as that is how I got started, was by looking at shops and getting ideas. I have done several DIY posts here in the past almost 7 years; only been doing the toy business for the last year :) I'm sorry if I offended you.

My blog (out of date currently!) does have many recipes and toy DIYs though: Parrot 1-2-3 – The blog for crafty parrots and their crafty owners

Some of the older DIY threads here don't have photos anymore because of the changes to the photobucket sharing rules, but there are still some good ones in there.

I'm a huge fan of foraging, so I do a lot with that. I like taking a basket and crinkle paper ($1 each at Dollar Tree) and then sprinkling seeds in it, covering with shred paper and toy parts/foot toys (especially the parts of leftover toys that are too destroyed to keep hanging), and then letting them root around for their treats. My quakers LOVE it!



Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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I wasn't asking anyone to buy anything, was just offering as a place for inspiration, as that is how I got started, was by looking at shops and getting ideas. I have done several DIY posts here in the past almost 7 years; only been doing the toy business for the last year :) I'm sorry if I offended you.

My blog (out of date currently!) does have many recipes and toy DIYs though: Parrot 1-2-3 – The blog for crafty parrots and their crafty owners

Some of the older DIY threads here don't have photos anymore because of the changes to the photobucket sharing rules, but there are still some good ones in there.

I'm a huge fan of foraging, so I do a lot with that. I like taking a basket and crinkle paper ($1 each at Dollar Tree) and then sprinkling seeds in it, covering with shred paper and toy parts/foot toys (especially the parts of leftover toys that are too destroyed to keep hanging), and then letting them root around for their treats. My quakers LOVE it!

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Oh No! Please I wasn't offended at all. Text is so hard to tell! I think it's awesome you make a business out of making bird and small animal toys! I am trying to get my etsy going and make some extra money. I love that you put your shop in this thread :) I am a Shop Small and you sooner buy off of you or another crafter than a box store.

I am totally going to be checking out your blog! I will probably end up poking you for updates :D I so have a love/hate with pinterest. I keep saying to it "Just cause I am looking up knitting or bird toys doesn't mean I wanna see less Negan!" XD

I will have to try foraging toys ^^ I have some paper left over I used for the bunny and he loved his quick oats container (bottom cut off) where he would and run and [try to] slide through it. My one friend who has a teil says that they don't like toys... but I wanna try with my girl when I get her anyway! Half the fun of pet loving is getting to know each other! Thanks for the idea!! I will say that until I know what she likes I will be making toys... who knows she my be like a cat "Forget the toy and play with the wrapper!"" -_- I just started hording charge card rolls at the end of the tape and throw them down for the cats. The ferrets at work rather the paper still be on.

I am sorry for confusion about earlier posts- please think nothing of it- I am not offended easily just sometimes my grammar has more of a "resting B face" than I do and trust me that's bad I get "Why are you so mad all the time?" 0.0 I was thinking about kittens and cannibalistic taco people... I'm not mad :p

Anyway! Are "non toxic" or food grade dyes okay for birds when dying woods?


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Okay good I didn't want you to get the wrong impression about my posts. Water under the bridge :)

I find that even the pickiest bird likes SOME toys - it's just finding the right ones. The reason I started was because my birds "didn't like toys" - but those were all from the big pet stores, which, especially for a tiel, really aren't that interesting! Cockatiels are some of my best customers - they love easy to shred stuff, which doesn't ship easily for Petsmart ;) We have lots of great vendors here actually that have tons of great stuff that cater to tiels! List of Vendors and AA Store Profiles | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum

The reason I focus on foraging so much is because it is a very natural behavior, and it can help combat "bad behaviors" that are often due to boredom - screaming, plucking, etc. Since our birds are essentially wild animals (they are not domesticated), their instincts tell them to do three main things - find a mate, fly miles a day, and look for food. Since we often can't provide the first two, I at least try to offer the foraging as it's such a natural behavior :)

Also, I have a quaker that "doesn't like toys" but add food and he is all over it :lol:

Yes, usually most f
ood coloring is safe (avoid whites, though, they have some really questionable ingredients). I use Wilton's sky blue for my light blue stuff, but use Vitacritter dye made specifically for small animals and birds for my other colors. I also use rubbing alcohol in the mix because it evaporates faster (reducing the risk of mold), kills surface bacteria, and leaves vibrant colors! For wilton's I use this guide: Food Coloring Wilton's UPATED DIRECTIONS | Avian Avenue Parrot Forum


Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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Not at all! I love that you are okay with people using your creations for insperation :)

I so cannot wait to meet my new girl properly and start figuring out what she likes. I will keep in mind with the shredding when stocking her cage for sure! My bun loved his tp roll gifts where I would put his favorite yums in there stuff it with his hay, fold the ends and tie id with sisel twine. I think I may try this one for her too.

Thanks for the tips on foraging ^_^ I have some other toys I can fill with stuff for her to tear up. We get a lot of craft paper with no ink at work (too much really lol)

A total noob question... I have bird safe trees, eyeing up my apple tree mostly... Since these where in the wild cut branches should I bake them? I normally baked branches and twigs for my rabbit to make sure all the bugs and such where out. Is this advisable for birds too? Or is a livi g branch best? I know it's kinda a dumb question but I had to ask!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Most of the vendors on here are DIY. I am trying to get tutorials of all my toys done so that others can copy them for their birds or rescue if they have the materials. If the branches were mine, scrub with a good cleaner like F10 and bake. Apple branches are kind of slick so you might want to take a rasp to them if you have smaller beebs.

What materials do you have on hand now?


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
No question is dumb! Yes, I would still bake them like you would for the bunnies. :)

Coin rolls (again, dollar store, friend of bird owners lol) can be used on the same way as the toilet paper rolls too! Same concept, just smaller scale :) My rats prefer the coin wrappers too!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Cupcake papers to make puffs...all my birds love puffs.


Meeting neighbors
In My Own Reality
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That's awesome that vendors here make and sell toys- I feel like it's better to buy other pet lovers not just corporate business who doesn't seem to know the first thing about animals or seem to care. Like I got into a fight with someone at a small animal place about corn in rat food (that is another soap box entirely though!!) I hope maybe I can make stuff and sell too- I am working on knitting baby toys and blankets for my etsy store but I don't have kids so I dunno what I am doing lol I am better to make fur baby stuff.

I never thought about coin wrappers... now I know what to do with some of those 1/2 $ ones I don't use lol I think I have only ever seen a few .50 pieces in my life. One I wont give up lol... Is there a worry about ink in those? Or in anything? I just know the worries of small animals (I miss my rats- I may pester you for ratty pictures Shawna :p)

You did NOT just say cupcake wrappers? ^3^ I am so excited! I have so many of those and I hate passing them up at sales or clearance racks but I just am not that into baking cupcakes. Or I have a sick abundance of left overs I have no reason to use them (Like for the baby shower of my nearly 3 year old niece. I don't think I will be making "It's A Girl!" cupcakes again and if I do I can get more later.) Now I can get them and play! Yay! I just hope she likes them as much as I do...

So far I have baby rings (My mom's keets love hanging off of them and my bun tossed some around but I have many more.) I have some of those coco fiber toys Super Pet made, a few ring toys that my rats never liked I can scrub up. I even have a JW bird toy- again the rabbit wasn't amused with it. Most of the official toys I have now are stock piles or rejects from the rats and rabbit. As far as supplies for new- different woods (dad and I do wood working together), tp rolls, hay, craft paper (the stuff they pack with), sisal rope and twine, a stock pile of craft items like non-toxic paper ropes, wood beads, cocofiber, some crinkle papers and baskets. Bells, shiny rings and balls (the ferrets love those so much it's scary!). I am the type that I do not toss crafting items... I tend to hoard with the thought "I can used that someday..." like my yarn stash lol