(Probably about the time that
@JLcribber told me I was worse than a worry wart).
I honestly believe that the majority of problems I have with my birds is from being the world's biggest over-protecting, life inhibiting, obsessive worry wart! With Miyetti I didn't know anything so, other than keeping the dogs away from him,
he did as he pleased (all over the apartment). When I got TD I had learned so much, then I joined the Avenue and learned so much more. You should see what I go through before I have out of cage time with any of the birds. Covering everything, unplugging and removing electrical things (TD's a fan of wire chewing), vacuuming, covering mirrors, etc. I'm exhausted before I ever get them out of their cage! The bird room was helping with that somewhat, but now it's Cracker's quarantine place. Oh, well, it's always something!
I do have this other ball for Cracker. He doesn't go to it, but I think I'll move it to where the plastic one is and he'll have to use it or no pumpkin seed hunt!
How long have you had Secret?