Mark & Da Boyz
Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Who ever came up with the "Birds are SO Smart" must not know Team Green very well.
They are both calling to be let out of their cages so that can sit with (IE pester) me. Now last I remember birds have wings, right?
And can fly, sometimes anyway, right? And birds have eyes, right so the should be able to see, right?
Well you'd think they'd use those wings to fly over to me as the doors on both cages are standing wide open.
They are both calling to be let out of their cages so that can sit with (IE pester) me. Now last I remember birds have wings, right?
And can fly, sometimes anyway, right? And birds have eyes, right so the should be able to see, right?
Well you'd think they'd use those wings to fly over to me as the doors on both cages are standing wide open.