I didn't enter the contest, because well, Pita's fine, but these 2 babies are very special to me, as are all of the birds at TGF, but these 2 especially touch my heart and are very sweet.
Chloe, a M2, that has a plucking and mutilation problem. The sad part is she was adopted, and then returned. The husband is a doctor, and went to pick her up, but because of the severe arthritis in her feet, he must have hurt her, and she bit him. Either because she didn't have a good grip, she has terrible balance, or he was hurting her feet. The husband being a doctor, was concerned that she would injure his hands, and being a doctor his hands are important to him. So they returned her. To me thats not really an excuse, they went thru the classes, knew about her issues, and how to handle her, etc etc. But I guess the husband had the last word, and if you've ever been to a rescue and seen a bird that was adopted then returned....well, the sadness is palpable. She is such a sweet girl, but has no tail, and just a few wing feathers, a naked chest, and bad arthritis in her feet. She wears a neck collar to keep her from picking at her self, but a sweeter more loving baby you'll never see. She'll steal your heart with her "Hi Baby"
This is Cleo....my BFF..... I love this guy. He was relinguished by his owners as a sanctuary bird due to medical issues with the husband. They call every week to see how he's doing, and left him with substantial monetary support. He also is a chronic plucker/mutilator, so he has to wear a special vest that was made just for him. When I go to TGF, and he see's me, his foot goes right up for a step up, and he yells his famous "Agua". Then we sit, and have a huge snuggle, preen, love fest.
So these are my special needs babies. There are so many that I love at TGF, and give special attention to, but these 2 have touched my heart.
Thank you so much for allowing me to include these 2 special babies that mean so much to me.
Chloe, a M2, that has a plucking and mutilation problem. The sad part is she was adopted, and then returned. The husband is a doctor, and went to pick her up, but because of the severe arthritis in her feet, he must have hurt her, and she bit him. Either because she didn't have a good grip, she has terrible balance, or he was hurting her feet. The husband being a doctor, was concerned that she would injure his hands, and being a doctor his hands are important to him. So they returned her. To me thats not really an excuse, they went thru the classes, knew about her issues, and how to handle her, etc etc. But I guess the husband had the last word, and if you've ever been to a rescue and seen a bird that was adopted then returned....well, the sadness is palpable. She is such a sweet girl, but has no tail, and just a few wing feathers, a naked chest, and bad arthritis in her feet. She wears a neck collar to keep her from picking at her self, but a sweeter more loving baby you'll never see. She'll steal your heart with her "Hi Baby"

This is Cleo....my BFF..... I love this guy. He was relinguished by his owners as a sanctuary bird due to medical issues with the husband. They call every week to see how he's doing, and left him with substantial monetary support. He also is a chronic plucker/mutilator, so he has to wear a special vest that was made just for him. When I go to TGF, and he see's me, his foot goes right up for a step up, and he yells his famous "Agua". Then we sit, and have a huge snuggle, preen, love fest.

So these are my special needs babies. There are so many that I love at TGF, and give special attention to, but these 2 have touched my heart.
Thank you so much for allowing me to include these 2 special babies that mean so much to me.