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Cage for an Amazon


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Lotus Land
Apologies in advance for the verbosity.

Why is this so hard? Some of the recommended cage sizes I've come across while researching cages for a (double yellow headed) Amazon: 32x23, 36x24, 48x30, 36x30, 36x54 and one site that only gives bar width specs 3/4" - 1 3/8" for "larger birds" And if I believe one cage manufacturer, not a single mass produced cage is adequate unless it's custom built to spec. head --> desk *ugh*

The bird I'm adopting is a WPR bird. I don't know whether my bird will be a cage bound scaredy cat, or adapts quickly begging to be let out. I'd like to plan for the worst, and hope for the best.

So, I have a few questions about some of the cages I've found. I'd much prefer a dome top to a play top, but dome top options are really limited ie: a 40x30 cage with a bar width spacing of 1 1/4" which I'm told is too wide for an Amazon, or the cage without access to food dishes from the outside (I like my fingers!) or it might be (is it?) too small like the 32x23 dome top by A&E.

Can anyone tell me if the play tops on the A&E screwed or welded into place? I can't tell from the research I've done. One of the options is 36x26x68 (internal 45") play top by A&E, and another is a 36x24 by Kings Cages. If they're easily removable they become a viable option.

Then I came across this 40x30 play top, but I don't know who the manufacturer is. Does anyone know? OR had experience with one? Or see any pitfalls in the design? What if da bird is Houdini reincarnate?

Dream cage would be the 40x30 dome top by Kings Cage with the drawbridge door. I'm working my partner hard to convince him this is the best option. Any idea on how to win him over? :)

Thanks so much in advance for any help.


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario, Canada
The playtops for both King's Cages and A&E are screwed into place. I don't use them, and have left them off my cage. The 36x26 cage you linked to is actually 32"x23" though, so a bit small for an Amazon I think. I agree that out of the options you listed, the 40x30" King's dometop is the best option :)

Welcome to the Avenue :)


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario, Canada
What kind of Amazon is s/he? Should be fine for a smaller amazon. And for a larger amazon, should be okay if s/he gets a decent amount of out of cage time.


Cruising the avenue
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The link isn't working but a 36"x26" shouldn't be too bad. 30"x40" would be better but it also depends on the type of Amazon you are getting. I have a lazy BFA pair in a 30"x40" that is probably about 70" tall and they don't use most of it. I have a little LCA in a 23"x32" but she needs a much bigger cage because she's extremely active. My biggest bird of my entire flock is a YCA at a little over 500 grams now and she's lazy and does well in a double stack from Kings...I can't remember what the measurements are. I would not go bigger than 1" bar spacing for any Amazon except for maybe my YCA and that's pushing it. Out of all the cages out there, I would probably stick with Kings cages. If you're lucky and can find a used Cal Cage that's in good shape, that's another way to go as well. Other than that, if you want to spend the money, I'd go with Expandable Habitats but they're incredibly expensive. Worth every penny though!:)


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Lotus Land
It's a Double Yellow Headed and because it's a rescue bird I'm not sure what to expect.

Sorry the link isn't working. The site calls it "the lodge 069" and based on the photo it looks to be by A&E Co.


Ripping up the road
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My Amazons are in Avian Adventures Mediana play tops. Measurements: 34 W x 24 D x 33 H" / Total Cage Height: 68" / Bar Spacing: 7/8"height. I don't have the space for anything larger and this has worked out for them.
The Grande is the larger size. Play top measurements: 42"L x 30"W x 48"H / Total Cage Height: 51”, Bar Spacing: 1”
The play tops are removable and the cages are easy to put together...no tools required (except for a mallet to hammer in the wheels and a blunt nose pliers may be needed to straighten tabs if they are bent).
The cages also come in dometop versions so increased inside height. There is also a Hacienda dometop cage.
Do a search and compare prices from different vendors.


Rollerblading along the road
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oops. Here's a corrected link.

36x26 is a bit small?
Every cage is too small for a bird...

You have to keep in mind most of these cages' measurements include the seed skirt though, so they're smaller than they look. If you consider they add about 4" to every side, even that "extra large" cage is only 32" x 23".

An Avian Adventures Grande would probably be my choice, but good luck finding one in Canada :D
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Sprinting down the street
Paco, my DYH, has a Dometop 48 x 34 x 72 by Avian adventures. It is the Hacienda dometop. He uses every square inch of it! The bar spacing is one inch. It is huge and we love it. It can never be too big.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Lotus Land
@jmfleish if our dollar didn't suck so badly I'd want a cage from Animal Environments. Gorgeous looking cages.

@Jaguar I want to give the bird the sky, but practically speaking, it's just not possible. Though harness training and flying the bird on a line is something I want to teach them.

Thanks everyone for the help! When the cage arrives I'll add a bunch of photos of it with the bird inside for comparison for those who are researching cages, and have been struggling like I have.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Lotus Land
Feeling awkward because I'm not sure what to say, or how to say it. I wasn't able to get around to photographing the bird in the way I wanted to, like I had promised. She died at the vets.

I took a quick photograph of her cage with her in it which the vet had requested. The cage looks quite sparse because she had a broken toe/damaged ligament and I wanted some input from the vet on how to best to accommodate her ability to perch before I bought more things for her. She could grasp food, but would slide when trying to climb up the front of the cage and had fallen from her roosting perch once. *ouch* poor bird.

Initially I bought a 40x30 dome top, but the shelter was worried she'd hurt herself since she had fallen from the perch a few times. We went with a Kings Cage 32x23 with the optional play top and drawbridge door with the idea that we could outfit it like a play top with some bird safe tree branches. It was easy enough to put together by myself, but I'd put the wheels on before trying to assemble it since it's far too heavy for one (and I can do pull ups!) person to set on its side to get the wheels on. Plus I was concerned about gouging my floors, or bending the legs. I'd also gingerly check for sharp spots that need filing down. I cut my finger open casually running them across a bar.

I have a new bird occupying the cage, a yellow naped amazon. There's now a cholla for her roosting perch, the forked manzanita has been moved to another spot. The pine dowelling will eventually be replaced by sycamore, willow and hazelnut branches. I suspect she'd prefer a flat play top, but she spends so much time on me as a mobile chew toy I don't think it matters much.


The Yellow Naped:



Rollerblading along the road
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Im sorry for your loss.

Thats a nice looking cage, I would suggest putting a few perches up higher unless this bird is also handicapped. Lucy my Yellow Naped loves to sleep high in the cage. When I got her, we put perches in front and back up high and she chose the one in the top right front corner. She still sleeps on that to this day but uses all her other perches during the day. She also has a swing and a rope perch as well as real branches from various trees. If you are handy with tools or your partner is, you can use that dowel to make several perches from it. The one that came with Lucys cage I cut up into several lengths, I then used a sander and made them oddly shaped like a branch would be, then added the hardware to them to be able to screw to the cage. You would never know they were a dowel at one time. We also have the top door and Lucy loves to sit on it all the time. When she sees one of us coming to open it, she runs to the top perch by it and is usually on the door by the time we can get it open.

Good luck with your amazon, what is his/her name and would love to see more pictures.


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
Lotus Land
Thanks, it's appreciated.

Once everything has been set up there will be about three tiers she can navigate along with a bunch of stuff outside and on top of the cage. The goal is to get rid of all the pine dowelling and use only natural perches.

My partner keeps asking me what we should call her, but I don't have a name for her yet ... drawing a blank, which probably has a lot to do with the completely unexpected death of the other.

I'll add a photo of her to the recent Amazon roll call thread.