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Boarding Advice


Sitting on the front steps
Richmond, VA
So my parents have recently invited me to go visit my grandparents in Tennessee for a week. There are a few problems with this:

1) My parents are usually the ones that take care of my bird (Skittles) while I'm away
2) Although I could bring Skittles along, I have a feeling he would spend a good deal of time in a hotel room
3) It's 4th of July thing and fireworks would probably freak Skittles out
4) My grandparents have a cat and probably all sorts of bird-hazards in their home

So considering all that, I'm looking at two options: a) Not going at all since it doesn't sound like a whole lot is going to happen there and b) Boarding my bird.

Even if I choose not to go, I think now is the time to learn what to expect when I inevitably do have to board Skittles someday. My biggest concerns are stress, his mental health in general and the possibility of contracting disease.

Skittles is one of those birds that is stupidly territorial around new people and it can take up to a few weeks to months of constantly seeing those people around to not perceive them as a threat. So long story short, he bites. I think that could be a problem if there's any chance for him to be out of his cage for play time.

He's never been a plucker and generally entertains himself easily, but he's never really been in a situation where he's around people he doesn't know well for a whole week.

I think disease kind of explains itself considering most places that board birds have other birds in the facility as well. I am personally considering a wonderful bird breeder I've met with before who offers the service so I'm sure she has precaution in place, but I'm your typical worried bird mom, nonetheless.

So I guess what I'm looking for is any advice on how to handle boarding and what to expect. Also if you have any tips on picking good places for birds to be boarded, that would help as well. I will also be emailing the breeder I've talked to in order to ask her similar questions.

Thanks in advance!


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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I have someone come to my home to care for the Amazon's. Less stress on them and me. They don't get out of cage time but their cage is large and its not forever.

I also have a camera to monitor remotely.


Sitting on the front steps
Richmond, VA
I have someone come to my home to care for the Amazon's. Less stress on them and me. They don't get out of cage time but their cage is large and its not forever.

I also have a camera to monitor remotely.
I very much like this idea but I don't have anyone I know personally that tolerates birds. Although Facebook is a pretty wonderful thing and I'm in the process of applying for vet assistant jobs in the area. I think I would want this person to build up a relationship with my bird a bit prior to me leaving. I don't know why I didn't even think about the pet-sitting angle.


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
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Cary, NC
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I have boarded my Grey, Charlie, before for a week while I went on a cruise. I chose to board her at my avian vet (he is board certified and only sees birds at his practice) and felt that was the safest place for her since I would not be reachable in case of an emergency situation came up. I brought all her favorite toys and things/food and she was put into a very large spacious cage. The staff at the vets are more than capable of providing great care for the birds boarding and overall Charlie seemed perfectly fine when I picked her up! My vet does require the polyomavirus vaccine and watch the birds closely for signs of illness (I think most if not all the boarders are also patients of his so I feel pretty comfortable that he does everything he can to minimize sickness/disease spreading. I know @gibsongrrrl used to work for my vet before moving so she could probably give you more info on what happens "behind the scenes" or whatever. :D


Sitting on the front steps
Richmond, VA
I have boarded my Grey, Charlie, before for a week while I went on a cruise. I chose to board her at my avian vet (he is board certified and only sees birds at his practice) and felt that was the safest place for her since I would not be reachable in case of an emergency situation came up. I brought all her favorite toys and things/food and she was put into a very large spacious cage. The staff at the vets are more than capable of providing great care for the birds boarding and overall Charlie seemed perfectly fine when I picked her up! My vet does require the polyomavirus vaccine and watch the birds closely for signs of illness (I think most if not all the boarders are also patients of his so I feel pretty comfortable that he does everything he can to minimize sickness/disease spreading. I know @gibsongrrrl used to work for my vet before moving so she could probably give you more info on what happens "behind the scenes" or whatever. :D
Unfortunately, we don't have any board certified avian vets in this area. We do have "avian vets" that are not certified though. I will be dropping off an application at the vet I usually take Skittles too this week and will ask them about this as well. I still trust the breeder I know a little more.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Would the breeder come to your home? Who does the breeder use when she is on vacation?


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Cary, NC
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Unfortunately, we don't have any board certified avian vets in this area. We do have "avian vets" that are not certified though. I will be dropping off an application at the vet I usually take Skittles too this week and will ask them about this as well. I still trust the breeder I know a little more.
An avian vet that does boarding would be a good option too! There aren't many board certified avian vets...I would just ask to see where the bird would be staying while being boarded (either at the vets or breeders)..my vet was more than happy to let me peak around at the birds being boarded before I decided to leave Charlie there. I am in the process of trying to find a capable bird sitter and so far I'm very unimpressed with people I have interviewed. So when we go on vacation again I may just board both Greys.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Maybe I have found a new career when I'm bored with this one......traveling bird sitter


Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Cary, NC
Real Name
Maybe I have found a new career when I'm bored with this one......traveling bird sitter
You could have lots of fun with the Grey Girl Gang! :D


Sitting on the front steps
Richmond, VA
Maybe I have found a new career when I'm bored with this one......traveling bird sitter
Now there's a good dream. Travel around in a motorhome and play with birdies all day! I think I want to have a successful career in animal health and behavior before I do anything of that sort, but it sounds like a good way to retire.


Cruising the avenue
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We've had to board at our vet's. First, I call to make sure no other birds will be boarded at the same time. I make all their dry food up myself and put it in baggies. I don't trust them to give my guys the correct amount of food or the correct blend. For example, everybody gets a nutriberry in the morning. They vet techs don't know to crumble it up for the cockatiels.

I supply bottled water and Dawn dish liquid and paper towels so the techs can clean the bowls. I doubt they do; they probably just rinse out the bowls.

If you cover your guy at night, supply that same cover. Bring some of his toys. Ask where exactly your bird will be placed. I flipped out once when I found they had placed our birds in with a yappy dog in a kennel! Snuggles the cockatiel is *very* nervous.

I called our vet, who is one of the owners of the large family of vet hospitals, and mentioned the fact that we had spent many thousands of dollars with them, and as such good customers, we would like our request that our birds be put in a quiet location to be accommodated. It was. They have been in a separate room, which I set up myself.

So mimic your home setting for your bird as much as possible. You might even have a little radio you can play or a machine that plays white noise.

I hope this information helps. We avoid boarding, but when we had to get out of the house because of mold and had nobody to stay with or keep our birds, we had to board. We visited every day.

I might be a micro manger when it comes to boarding. I try to think of every last little thing. I might drive the staff nuts, but I really don't care. We pay them very well to look after the boys.
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Rollerblading along the road
Real Name
Why don't you ask in rescues and bird clubs? There might be somebody there that would be willing to come to your house twice a day which would be much better for him than been moved to a strange place no matter how many precautions you take...


Rollerblading along the road
there might be pet sitters in your area that would be ok with giving food and water but not handling your bird. he is small so less intimidating. check on CL