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Behaviour of older caiques vs young


Moving in
Avenue Veteran
Hi, does anyone here have older caiques? How hyperactive are yours compared to when they were younger?

I have two BH caiques. They are both rescues, one came to me at around 10 years old (he's now 16) and the other I adopted recently and he's about 18.

The one that came to me at 10 has definitely mellowed out over the last 6 years. He still likes to play and do the typical caique upside down crazy wrestling, but not as often. As he's got older he also seems to prefer to just relax and sit on his favourite perches around the room or look out the window minding his own business for hours at a time.

The 18 year old caique I've recently adopted plays in his cage and loves to dig around in foraging boxes I make for him and shred cardboard. However when he's out he does a bit of exploring and then just wants to relax on my shoulder and maybe have a nap.

Does anyone else find their older caiques are more chilled out? Do you think we're conditioned to think all caiques are crazy hyperactive all the time because the ones you tend to hear of on social media are generally very young birds?

Maybe black headed caiques are just more chilled out in general than white bellied caiques? I've only met one pair of WB caiques and they were certainly a handful!
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Rollerblading along the road
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Rollerblading along the road
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Older caiques do mellow out somewhat. In my experience they retain the need for closeness and physical contact, but no longer in a frantic way.
But there is a step change between baby beheaviour and adult beheaviour.
No baby of any species stays a baby all its life


Moving in
Avenue Veteran
Older caiques do mellow out somewhat. In my experience they retain the need for closeness and physical contact, but no longer in a frantic way.
But there is a step change between baby beheaviour and adult beheaviour.
No baby of any species stays a baby all its life
Thank you for sharing your experience. You described it really well. That's exactly how I feel my two are. They absolutely want attention and time together but they spend that time in a more relaxed way.


Checking out the neighborhood
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I have a 20 year old BH and I feel as though he can be as hyperactive as younger caiques, just not as frequently. It comes in waves, almost like a little kid...he will bounce off the walls for a bit and then crash for a few hours. Out of all of my birds, he is still the most high maintenance in terms of attention. I would describe his activity levels as a typical caique and certainly above that of other species.


Moving in
Avenue Veteran
Out of all of my birds, he is still the most high maintenance in terms of attention. I would describe his activity levels as a typical caique and certainly above that of other species.
100% agree on this. I work from home in the same room as my two, so I'm with them at least 8 hours a day. Most of the time I'm working they can spend out of their cages doing whatever they like. They'd both like to be out of their cages hanging out with me 24/7 if they could.

One of mine even demands to come to bed with me some nights. I have to take him upstairs on my shoulder and he sits with me in bed while I read until I can sneak him back into his cage when he's sleepy.

Caiques are definitely best suited to people who have a lot of spare time to dedicate to interacting with them.


Checking out the neighborhood
I just found this forum so am late to this discussion, but I have a 26-year-old male BHC and I have to say that while he does seem to have less energy overall, he still has frequent bouts of crazy mischief and destruction. He definitely naps more during the day, but when he's not napping, he wants to spend all his time playing with me or destroying something. In some ways, I think he's actually become more high maintenance due to the fact that he's just a lot more devious now. 450yg5i8hiknhmon h <--- he contributed this comment.
Edit: He also hit send before I finished here. Just wanted to add that he speaks less than he used to. Until about 20, he had a vocabulary of roughly 30 words. Now he mostly says his name and a few other words. I read his body language very well, so maybe he just doesn't need to talk. He whistles a lot more and even has a couple of recognizable short tunes, but I miss his funny little phrases.
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Walking the driveway
I don’t have any suggestions to give, unfortunately, but just had to say I LOLd at his contribution to your message. So cute!

ETA I just noticed you’re replying to an older thread. Here on AA, it’s recommended to start a new post to get more eyes on your message.