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Bee Bee Parrot is absolutely terrified of humans thanks to the pet store/breeder


Moving in
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After months of refusing to buy a bird from a petstore, my heart sank when I last visited and decided i'd never go back. But before that, i ended up getting a bee bee parrot aka a white winged canary. I felt disgusting during purchase. Took 5 minutes to purchase and the psychopathic associate got him out with a gosh darn fish net.

This bird is absolutely traumatized by humans. I can only assume the only reasons this bird has ever been taken out of it's cage is to be mutilated (wings clipped) and to have the cage cleaned. It breaks my heart.

This bird is so traumatized by humans that even when i simply look at him after having not, he starts backing up and sometimes scaling the cage. Mind you, any time im around, which is usually 4 - 6 hours a day, his cage is open.

He is just over 1 year old, and i am doing my absolute best to acclimate him. Compared to his life at the pet store, I would say he is already WAY happier just judging by how vocal he is, how often he flaps, and how much he desires to get near my other birds. The thing is, I've never trained a traumatized baby before. This is definitely a new challenge for me. I've tried various ways to get him to not be afraid of my hands, but now i am realizing that it's not just my hands he's scared of. He's scared of humans in general. Eye contact alone scares him. I've even gotten a bird suffering from isolation madness on the verge of death due to gross mistreatment and even those birds trusted me very quickly.

He doesn't bite. He just runs. Even in the two instances he's gotten spooked and got out of the cage he literally runs back to his cage from across the room. ive picked him up in one instance where he was scared and didn't know where to go and he still didn't bite. I was so confused by this.

I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas for this? My other birds are extremely close to me (hate being in cages for any reason besides eating and sometimes playing with toys for a short spell)

I try to use my other birds as a way of showing him that I am safe and i some days keep his cage right by me and other days i give him space.

If I can provide any other details please let me know. I want to get this dude out of his cage with everyone else. My birds trust me unconditionally and because he doesnt trust me, they don't trust him.
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Rollerblading along the road
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I would continue using patience on your end and just keep offering him the option to come out if he wants, I don't see if you mentioned how long you've had him but time is nothing in Bird time like us humans eventually he may decide to venture out but it must be at his own accord. im so sorry he feels so scared due to his past history at the store but only time heals wounds.

*also drop yummy treats in his bowl when you walk by him* Sorry forgot to add this

Hopefully other members will be here to help with more information soon!

Best of luck to the both of you on this long road, It will be rewarding in the end. And maybe you can share some pictures of your flock and this little guy, We all love pictures :)


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Vic, Australia
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@Monica might be able to help you


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Go slow don't rush him. Leave him be. He just came from a less than great place & he is in a new unknown home. He is scared. Give him as much time as he needs.
Treats & short happy interactions frequently are better than long drawn out sessions which will only reinforce fear.. Dont push & don't stare. It will take him a while to relax.
He had to figure it out on his own time & birds just don't change that fast.

He has to learn to feel safe trust you. Not easy & not quick but can be done with patience.


Cruising the avenue
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Without knowing what you have tried, sometimes it can be hard to say what TO try.

If he is really that terrified, I *highly* recommend giving him places to hide! Hard tubes, seagrass matts hanging from top of cage, fresh, natural branches from outside - leaves intact! Just make sure tree is bird safe and gathered away from civilization!

The more your bird can hide, the more comfortable he may be able to settle in.

Add in a treat cup, figure out bird's favorite treat and drop that in the cup any time you walk by. No looking, no talking, just *slowly* walk by, drop and go.

Once your bird is more comfortable, you might try target training through the cage bars.
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Moving in
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Ok so for some updates,

He is now coming out of his cage. But he is still terrified of me. Sometimes he actually tries to get close but it's like my hands and face are something other than my body and head.If ever for whatever reason he falls off the cage (spooked by other birds, etc) he climbs his own way back up to the top. At first i would try to pick him up with hands or a perch. If i have to leave, however, i unfortunately have to sort of chas him into the cage. But after going about half way he will put himself inside the cage. Very independent bird!

I have been more worried about getting his diet switched over than interacting with him so i haven't bothered with treats yet but i do like the treat dropping ideas.

What i have tried, is using a 2 prong perch to offer treats. Sometimes i will stand 5 ft back and slowly inch towards him with my hands up and staring at him, and once he starts backing up i reset. I'll do this about 3 or 4 times and then stop once I have to reset at the same distance every time. Additionally, tomorrow, his 'safe space' will be very close to me (i sit at a computer most of the day and he will be within 3 ft at all times - right now he's about 7 ft away.


Moving in
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Have begun setting treats near him (i dont really do treat bowls, my birds just know when they get treats (i.e. pottying on command or in the right place - flying back to cage to potty gets fruit slices) and come to me for them.)

He has been getting slightly closer
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Rollerblading along the road
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Kelly Hill
Have begun setting treats near him (i dont really do treat bowls, my birds just know when they get treats (i.e. pottying on command or in the right place - flying back to cage to potty gets fruit slices) and come to me for them.)

He has been getting slightly closer
The idea behind the cup is to just associate you with the treats while maintaining distance the bird needs to get used to everything. It doesn't have to be forever, but it seems to help to be a special treat only container.


Moving in
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I will look into getting a small treat bowl then! I've never actually dealt with this scared of a bird. I'm used to them at least being hand trained from which point I am great with them.

Another update: He is now willfully eating harrisons pellets. Went much faster than I thought it would. Such a good boy.

I will posts pictures later.

Also for those who were asking, I've had him for about 2 weeks. He is 1 year old in 3 days.