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Baytril ?


Meeting neighbors
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Hi again! Sorry for all the questions! Alba got prescribed some Baytril recently to put in her water
0.5cc/4oz drinking water daily for 14 days
I suspected she had a respiratory issue
The vet thought it was a GI infection but her culture tested negative for it and she was put on metoclopramide to help with nausea and digestion which did help her
They never did a respritory culture thlugh and just prescribed this in case
I asked if it would hurt her if she didn't have anything and they said it wouldn't hurt to take it but when I looked up Baytril there weren't good things about it so I really don't know. I've been to the vet with her many times these past months and I don't want another issue to come up. This is a new vet because my prior one wasn't that great


Rollerblading along the road
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Heather Gerbyshak
If you are very concerned, call the vet and say what you just wrote down: “Since my birds culture and sensitivity was negative should I keep giving her Baytril?”

I would only stop if the vet told you to stop. Metaclopromide won’t help any infection. If one exists, you’ve gotta do something. All antibiotics have lousy dude effects but sometimes they’re needed.
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Meeting neighbors
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If you are very concerned, call the vet and say what you just wrote down: “Since my birds culture and sensitivity was negative should I keep giving her Baytril?”

I would only stop if the vet told you to stop. Metaclopromide won’t help any infection. If one exists, you’ve gotta do something. All antibiotics have lousy dude effects but sometimes they’re needed.
She only took Metaclopromide for nausea and it helped her since she didn't have the GI infection. She never got a culture for respritory issues but I explained that I believed she had them and she prescribed Baytril and said there would be no harm in taking it, hopefully she's right. I heard it causes secondary yeast infection