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gotcha day

  1. Poetic Ramblings

    Pictures Duck's 10th Gotcha Day

    Today is Duck's 10th Gotcha Day and de-facto 33rd birthday! I was only 18 when I adopted her and it's been a joy growing up with this lovely, ridiculous animal. We had pancakes to celebrate, then watched some Chopped while we cleaned off the crumbs.
  2. ktluvszoe

    Lola’s 2nd birthday/gotcha day! Cake recipes?

    Today is Lola’s second birthday! Really it’s her gotcha day, as I don’t know her actual birthday. Bird tax included. planning to make her a tiny cake! Anyone have a recipe they like with usual pantry ingredients? Saw some online but always end up missing an ingredient or two. I froze a tiny...
  3. BirdWorld

    Happy Gotcha Day To Blinky and Spring!!!

    Today is Spring and Blinky’s one-year Gotcha day!! :cheer::flowgdnc::heart2: :starshower: :yah: :loveshower: :birdance:
  4. hrafn

    Pictures Happy First Gotcha Day, Kamara!!!

    I can hardly believe it! It feels like only yesterday she came home. But, as of today, it has been one entire year since Kamara joined the hrafn flock! And, since her true birthdate is unknown, today we will also be celebrating her birthday! :greet6: She has come so incredibly far in such a...
  5. hrafn


    I was eight years old when I met a macaw for the first time. My eldest sister had just got a job at The Village Cantina, a quaint little Mexican restaurant with a very volatile poltergeist, a truly amazing guacamole, and two beautiful, enormous parrots. I didn’t know at the time what they were...
  6. hrafn

    Pictures Happy 12th Gotcha Day, Kraz!

    Happy Gotcha Day to my very best friend and the ruler of the hrafn household, the regal King Kraziffir! :heart2: Kraz has been with me for 46% of my life, and has seen me at my very worst and my absolute best; he's taught me so much about life, responsibility, and love, and I can't imagine...
  7. hrafn

    Pictures Happy First Gotcha Day, Aurélie!!

    It has officially been one year since I took the bus to the airport, walked an hour to the air cargo building (getting lost no less than eight times), befriended a hawk, twisted my ankle, got in a fight with a vending machine, and finally met my beautiful baby Réy for the first time! :swoon...